Rorate Caeli

Synodal Cancellations - by Archbishop Héctor Agüer

by Héctor Agüer
Archbishop Emeritus of La Plata

Buenos Aires, Wednesday, May 8th, 2024
Solemnity of Our Lady of Luján,
Patroness of the Argentine Republic

The progressive official party installed in Rome for just over a decade goes on in its policy of “cancellation” of those who, with freedom of spirit, seek to serve Jesus Christ in orthodoxy and Tradition. By “cancellation” one means all forms of ignoring, conspiracy of silence, marginalization, prohibition of publishing in media and social media, and even the cessation of functions of those who do not adhere “synodally” to the current Vatican ideologies and discretions.

 Good bishops such as Daniel Fernández Torres, from Arecibo, Puerto Rico, were cancelled, as is known; and Joseph Strickland, of Tyler, Texas, United States. Cardinal Gerhard Müller was not renewed for a new term in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; and Cardinal Raymond Burke was even deprived of his Roman salary and money. Others, like Dominique Rey, from Fréjus-Toulon, in France, were given “coadjutors” who, in practice, almost co-govern those dioceses. For their part, there are numerous priests canceled in different parts of the world; and they have even formed “associations” to help each other, and provide themselves with the basics for their sustenance. In some cases they have been left on the street; and they had to find a roof in the homes of their elderly parents, their siblings, or other relatives. I have already addressed them in other articles. I constantly receive emails, messages, and phone calls from faithful priests who do not fit within the official slogan “everyone, everyone, everyone”; and that, therefore, remain outside the “system”. The famous Peronist maxim has been imported to Rome: “Everything for the friend; for the enemy (supposed or imagined), not even justice.” Until the Code of Canon Law he would seem to be dead and buried. And, in practice, faced with accusations of being “indietrists, ash-worshippers, rigid,” and other similar qualifications, one can only expect the guillotine without further ado.

 The lay faithful feel bewildered with so much arbitrariness. And they see how good priests are systematically forced to leave their parishes, or sent to destinations considered “punishment.” The much-proclaimed “peripheries” are the sites chosen for this. They are literally left to their own devices. Alone, without a priestly community, without resources, and exposed to all kinds of dangers, many encounter illnesses and crises there. Being accused of being “not very synodal” or of not being open to the “culture of encounter” leads to suffering various forms of exile. Or is the “encounter” confused with the grouting? Aren't all believers called - not to mention priests - to have a liberating and personal encounter with Christ, and lead other brothers to Him? Or should the Lord now be replaced with “Mother Earth”, the UN 2030 Agenda – considered by its mentors as the “Gospel of the 21st century” – or the globalist impositions and the alleged “global governance” of the United Nations? Do those who, with a Pelagian imprint, seek to “save the planet” seek the salvation of souls?

 For more than sixty years, the Church in the West has suffered a systematic decline in the number of priests, religious, seminarians and even baptisms. The frigid weather that followed Vatican II reflects a seemingly unchecked decline. Hasn't the time come to recognize that only more calamities can be expected along this path? And even though today's nonagenarian champions of the “spirit of the Council” may not like it, is it not time to sincerely admit that the “smoke of Satan” has made our structures unbreathable?

 Certainly, the Church cannot be even remotely compared to a multinational corporation. But, keeping due proportions, it is worth asking: Are those who, in practice, founded different branches maintained and even rewarded with promotions in a company? Can those responsible for the failure be expected to recover sales and save the institution from bankruptcy?

 Today the progressive ruling party shows its cruelty with the traditional liturgy. And hundreds of young people go there; while in the “attractive liturgies”, the gaps in the pews are increasingly noticeable. Seen from Rome, young couples with numerous children are also despised; and they are part of the solution, not the problem. In fact, statistics show that a good proportion of priestly and religious vocations come from within them. The young priests who, full of fervor and passion for Christ, truly seek to reach the “last ones” and convert them to the Lord, are branded as closed and hiding various traumas. And so on. We could make an endless list of facts. Of course, all covered or justified by “synodality.”

 Can't they see from Rome that progressivism is itself sterile? Are children a threat? Are children and young people who, despite the ridicule of their own parish priests, spend hours and hours before the Blessed Sacrament a threat? Can't they see the Rosaries prayed by men, which multiply in different cities of the world, as true "signs of the times" and of well-founded hope? Can't they appreciate the fervor of so many young people who know or return to the Church disenchanted, precisely, with the "progressive" lies? Does it fit with the Vatican's dialogical flexibilities that all those who are “different” are very welcome, except the “diverse” of the regular Church?

 As I said in my March 2022 article to the “cancelled priests,” today I convey it to all those (priests, religious and lay people) who suffer from this condition: Pray for each other; pray also for those who make you suffer. Do it in front of the Tabernacle, worshiping the Lord, present there. Entrust yourselves filially to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God made Man, Mother of the Church, Mother of each one of us. And count, as always, on my prayers, affection and closeness. And although my octogenarian condition and physical limitations prevent me from moving, know that, also with them, I am alongside you on the front line of the apostolate. Let us not fear anything or anyone. May the words of Jesus Christ always resonate in our hearts: I am with you every day, until the end of the world (Mt 28, 20).