Rorate Caeli

Event: 54-Day Rosary Novena in Saint Louis to Defeat Abortion Amendment

Event organized by Catholics in Saint Louis, Missouri:

Dear Fellow Missouri Catholics & People of Good Will:

As you may have heard, the Missouri Supreme Court ruled yesterday [Sep. 10] that Amendment 3 will be on the November 5 ballot.

Amendment 3 would enshrine abortion in the state Constitution. Learn more at Missouri Right to Life PAC.

To ask the Blessed Virgin to defeat 3 and keep abortion out of Missouri, join us at the statue of St. Louis in Forest Park to pray the Rosary for the next 54 days:

54-day Rosary Novena at the statue of St. Louis in Forest Park:
Daily, September 12-November 4
6 PM Monday-Friday, 3 PM Saturday & Sunday
1 Fine Arts Drive
St. Louis, MO 63110

See you at the statue at 6 PM tomorrow, September 12, Feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary!

Forward this email/spread the word!

St. Louis, pray for us!

Andrew Thompson-Briggs