Rorate Caeli

'Surprise' Novus Ordo Masses in Arlington Diocese


The decision by Pope Francis and the Dicastery for Divine Worship (DDW) to reignite the liturgical wars by abrogating Summorum Pontificum will be remembered as a monumental, embarrassing blunder by a papacy marked by corruption and scandal. 

Stung by the controversy Traditionis Custodes created, Francis seems to have given the cold shoulder to DDW Prefect Arthur Roche and displayed little interest in further prosecuting the war against the Latin Mass.

While we pray the worst of the attempted suppression is over, Latin Mass communities across the globe are still dealing with the fall out in the mean time. 

In July 2022, the Diocese of Arlington announced heavy restrictions on the Latin Mass. More than 20 parishes had regular TLMs previously. But now, only eight parishes were authorized to have the Traditional Latin Mass, with five of those in off-site locations such as converted school gyms. Three TLMs were allowed to remain in parish churches pursuant to a two-year indult.

In July 2024, it was announced that the indult for TLMs in the three parishes churches was renewed, but with a catch: the three parishes must replace one Sunday TLM per month with a Novus Ordo Mass. For St. Rita in Alexandria, VA, the Novus Ordo Mass will be celebrated on the second Sunday of each month. For St. John the Beloved in McLean, VA, it will be the fourth Sunday. St. Anthony of Padua in King George, VA has cancelled its TLM for this Sunday, September 15, with no replacement. 

We are terming these "surprise" Novus Ordo Masses (even though they were announced in advance from the pulpit), because of the potential for regular TLM attendees to be caught unawares. Pursuant to the July 2022 decree, the times of TLMs cannot be announced in the parish bulletin or on parish website. That is why the Arlington Latin Mass Society (ALMS) has created a website and email list that carefully tracks Latin Mass times and provides updates on the new Novus Ordo Masses. We encourage everyone to sign up for updates here, become a member here, or check out Mass times here.

Naturally enough, ALMS has encouraged Latin Mass devotees not to attend the Novus Ordo Masses,  not because these Masses will not be fitting and reverent (St. Rita and St. John the Beloved have some of the most reverent and traditional Novus Ordos you will find anywhere), but because they are being imposed as part of the misguided effort of suppression, to stamp out the TLM entirely. At the first "surprise" Novus Ordo at St. Rita, attendance was markedly lower than usual (about 70% of capacity), with many choosing to attend the 9 AM TLM at the Franciscan Monastery instead.

We encourage readers in the Arlington-Washington, D.C. area to sign up for the National Latin Mass Pilgrimage, a beautiful and reverent 3 hour walking pilgrimage that was inaugurated in response to the restrictions. It offers a beautiful way to pray for a restoration of this timeless treasure of the Church, its traditional Roman Rite liturgy.