When the Archangel Gabriel came to Mary, he found her alone in her chamber. She was intent on her prayers. Her sole focus was on God. The angel delivered his message. The Blessed Virgin listened. She accepted. Fiat.
Amid the hustle and bustle of daily life in today’s world, among the noise and distractions of technology, work, school, shopping, and a never-ending list of errands and tasks, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to hear the voice of God.
Even if a soul desires to discern where God is calling her, she often finds herself engaged in a variety of distracting occupations – even against her will. Those who wish to live a contemplative life frequently find the aim of their vocation hindered by the necessity of attending to earthly cares. While some contemplatives are blessed with the support of a generous lay community, many struggle to make ends meet. The contemplative desires one thing – God. When one is entangled in a multitude of cares, how can one be free to attend to God alone?
Perhaps it is time to return to the desert. To seek a place of silence, solitude, and stability. A place to listen intently to the call of God in the depths of one’s soul.
What if there were a home for this intentional listening? A home for prayer, discernment, and healing – all within the heart of a family? A home where one can live like the Holy Family?
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A Home for Prayer
How can I know and love God?
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment” (Mt 22:37-38). We were made to know, love, and serve God in this life, and to be happy with Him forever in the next. The more we know God, the more we will love Him, and the more we love God, the more we will desire to learn His sacred teachings.
Holy Family House provides an environment where contemplative souls can come to know Our Lord more intimately in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Souls have the opportunity to assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass daily. Opportunities are also provided for souls to pray the Divine Office in common. This prayerful environment fosters an attitude of quiet listening to God’s voice in the depths of the soul. Souls are provided with the opportunity to deeply study the Sacred Scriptures and Church doctrine in a home free from distractions. Knowledge increases love. Prayer is nothing more than a meeting with the Beloved. In Holy Family House, souls come to know Christ as the only source of true Love.
A Home for Discernment
How can I serve God?
The second commandment is like the first: “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments dependeth the whole law and the prophets” (Mt. 22:39-40). Each soul is called to serve God in a particular manner. Some serve God in a direct manner by devoting themselves entirely to silent contemplation. Others serve God by assisting their neighbors through various external works of hospitality. Whether this service is interior or exterior (or somewhere in between), all proceeds from the same heart of Christian charity.
Holy Family House provides resources for contemplative souls to discern the particular manner in which God is calling them to serve Him. These souls receive guidance from House Leaders to determine a rule of life that works best with the gifts, skills, and rhythms of prayer that God has given them. Opportunities are provided for souls to serve others both within the House and within the broader Catholic community. Whether one prays within the House all day, or leaves the House to assist her neighbor, each can return to a stable haven of silence and prayer at the end of the day.
A Home for Healing
How can I be free to do God’s will?
Each person is in need of God’s healing. Many contemplative souls have had to leave religious communities due to liturgical, doctrinal, or other issues. Some develop health problems while there. Other souls are prevented from joining a religious community due to pre-existing allergies, sensitivities, or medical conditions. Some souls have difficulty learning in a traditional academic environment. Others simply cannot keep up with the active pace that can be present even in contemplative religious communities. The presence of one (or all) of these conditions does not necessarily exclude the possibility of a religious vocation. All souls, even if free from these various conditions, are still affected by the wounds of sin. True healing is found in Christ alone – by Whose “bruises we are healed” (Is. 53:5). And Christ works His healing remedies through the instrumentality of His servants.
Holy Family House provides resources for contemplative souls who need healing from physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, and other wounds. Accommodations are made for those with food sensitivities, allergies, disabilities, and other conditions. When one has been healed and transformed in Christ, she can serve Him to her maximum ability.
In the Heart of a Family
How can I live in community?
“It is not good for man to be alone” (Gen. 2:18). Each contemplative soul, even the most solitary, relies to some extent on the support of a community. Holy Family House provides a supportive family environment for souls as they navigate the ups and downs of the spiritual life. Opportunities are given for souls to share their joys and sorrows in a safe and welcoming community. In Holy Family House, these souls find a home within the Mystical Body of Christ, where the members are “mutually careful one for another. And if one member suffer anything, all the members suffer with it; or if one member glory, all the members rejoice with it” (1 Cor. 12:25-26).
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The concept of a discernment home is not new. Houses set aside for religious and priestly vocation discernment have sprung up both around the United States and internationally in recent years. What if there were a home focused particularly on contemplative religious vocation discernment? What if this discernment followed the example of the Desert Fathers? What if this all centered around the ancient traditions of the Church?
Heed, a nonprofit, was formed to support contemplative and eremitical vocations. Heed was inspired by the example of Our Lady, who modelled perfect obedience to God’s call at the Annunciation. Heed’s vision is to create a contemplative discernment home preferably in a former cloistered monastery that contains a fully-consecrated chapel or in a former rectory or similar property. To make this vision come to fruition, community support will be vital. The acquisition of this home and ongoing program support will require significant funds. For more information, please visit www.heedhiscall.org, or reach out to Mark Rose, founder and executive director, at mark@heedhiscall.org.