by Diego Fusaro
(Translator’s Comment: I do not agree with all of Professor Fusaro’s ideas but as an informed academic his analyses on the present state of global and Italian scenarios and international issues are frequently right in my view. With this article he is spot on. The way I see it, he is describing the ever-increasing decline of Italian Catholic Culture and the frightening mushiness of the modern mind formed in modernist schools and universities). F.R.

The most insane and ridiculous public protest in recent history took place on March 15th in support of the European Union.
In Italy, thousands of people gathered in city squares,
motivated and mobilized by Michele Serra and his surreal article which appeared
in the columns of the turbo-globalist magazine “La Repubblica.”
Thousands of
people who vigorously invoked the values of Europe or more precisely of the
European Union, celebrated at every turn, the rearmament of Europe, i.e. of Ursula
von der Leyen’s neoliberalism and the rearming of Europe.

Michele Serra,
They had the audacity
to sing “Bella ciao” * at the top of their voices, producing a scene that not
even Orwell’s ingenious dystopia could have imagined.
Singing “Bella
ciao” while calling for the rearmament of Europe marks one of the lowest points
in public protest of recent history, equal only to the 1999 protests which were
filled with militants calling for NATO’s imperialist intervention in Serbia.
Where are the
warriors of Europe now?
But what are
these values of Europe exactly?
It would be
interesting to ask the protesters calmly what values of the European Union they identify
with. Its finance and spending review? Its Cancel Culture and Humanitarian Wars?
Its Rainbow and Green Shift for the benefit of financial capital?
Scurati, who not long ago, was mournfully calling for Mario Draghi to remain ‘on
the bridge’, launched the cry “warriors of Europe”, calling in perfect
Orwellian style for a pacifist army and an armed democracy.
Jovanotti the 'musically correct' singer
Among the
participants at the demonstration, were Jovanotti, the hero of ‘musical
correctness’ and Liliana Segre, the senator. who is
militant against the horrors of the Shoah but unwilling to recognize that what is happening
in Gaza is a full-blown genocide.
We need to keep this well in mind: such insane protests in the public square have never happened before; protests that mark the definitive decline of the European Union which is nothing but an empty temple, sanctifying financial capital and neoliberal imperialism.
Segre, Senator for life
the European Union narrative about it protecting us from wars, is collapsing. On
the contrary, the European Union is currently promoting new wars and proposing
a rearmament destined to cost eight hundred billion euros, which will obviously
be generously taken from the pockets of European citizens.
Prodi: I am a
servant of the European Union
Perhaps Romano
Prodi, one of the ‘heroes’ who led us into the euro and the European Union (and
who recently affirmed that he was a “servant of the European Union), will
correct his famous statement and say that thanks to the European Union and the
euro 'we will fight one day less as if we had fought one day more'.
We have to
say it: fantasy has surpassed reality, making Orwell appear in every respect - an
* "Bella ciao" (Italian
pronunciation: [ˈbɛlla
ˈtʃaːo]; "Goodbye beautiful") is an Italian protest folk song. It was created to protest
against harsh working conditions in the paddy fields of North Italy at the turn
of the 20th century. The song was later made as an anthem of
the anti-fascist resistance by the Italian partisans between 1943 and 1945
during the Italian
Resistance, against Nazi Germany.