Rorate Caeli

Ordo Hebdomadae Maioris & Memoriale Rituum: Useful Books for the Pre-55 Holy Week

Saint Anthony Press, established with the mission of publishing rare or otherwise “lost” Catholic liturgical and devotional books, has reprinted the Ordo Hebdomadae Maioris (Order of Holy Week) containing the Holy Week liturgies and Order of Mass with seasonal Prefaces according to the 1920 typical edition of the Roman Missal (in use until 1955), restoring the ancient and venerable liturgies replaced by the 1956 Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae Instauratus (and later incorporated into the 1962 Roman Missal).

Sized for easy liturgical reading whether handheld or on the altar, its texts and chants are set in color and in a font and style based on historical printings of the Roman Missal since 1604.

Table of Contents
The “Pre-55” Holy Week
­–Palm Sunday
–Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week
–Thursday of the Lord’s Supper
–Order of Mass with Prefaces
–Friday of Passover
–Holy Saturday

Cost: $50 USD (plus shipping).
Size: 8.5 x 11 in. Hardcover; 128 pages, color.
Glued, not sewn, binding.

Sample pages (note: not all pairs are meant to be contiguous):

Saint Anthony Press has likewise released a reprint of the Memoriale Rituum which contains the instructions for certain more significant sacred functions to be performed in smaller churches according to the 1920 typical edition, revised in 1950 by the Sacred Congregation of Rites. Sized for easy liturgical reading whether handheld or on the altar, its texts and chants are set in color and in a font and style based on historical printings of the Roman Missal since 1604.

Table of Contents
–The Blessing of Candles on the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
–The Blessing of Ashes at the Beginning of Lent
–Palm Sunday
–Holy Thursday
–Good Friday
–Holy Saturday 

Cost: $40 USD (plus shipping).
Size: 8.5 x 11 in. Hardcover; 64 pages, color.
Glued, not sewn, binding.

Sample pages:

Saint Anthony Press has also published a reprint of the Missae Defunctorum, a liturgical book that contains the Order of Mass for the Dead with its Prefaces, Propers, and Prayers, plus the Rite of Absolution (excerpted from the Roman Ritual) according to the 1920 typical edition of the Roman Missal.