Rorate Caeli

A Vatican II moment:
just another Ordinary Sunday in Ordinary Time

Finally, the hierarchy entrusts to the laity certain functions which are more closely connected with pastoral duties, such as the teaching of Christian doctrine, certain liturgical actions, and the care of souls. By virtue of this mission, the laity are fully subject to higher ecclesiastical control in the performance of this work. (Apostolicam actuositatem, 24)

On Sep. 25, one week before a Hindu dancer performed in honor of Gandhi after a new mass in a Cathedral by the Adriatic, a Bishop paid a visit to an ancient parish somewhere near the mighty Mississippi.

The parish church of Saints Peter and Paul, in the Archdiocese of Saint Louis, is filled with reminders of its Catholic past. The liturgy currently celebrated in it (as described and depicted by Snup's View from the Back - tip: St. Louis Catholic) is not one of those. Whatever this is, it does not seem to be in continuity with anything. But one must never lose hope: perhaps the "new translation" might fix things there!...