The Augustinerkirche before World War II:

Post- WWII reconstruction
with further changes after 1970:

The Augustinian church of Würzburg after a 15-month renovation which cost 1.7 million euros. Mass is now celebrated on the table in the middle. That table, the "ambo" and the chairs around these are all moveable. The restructuring of the church allows for "the celebration of the Holy Supper at eye-level".

A contemporary painting ("The Heavenly Jerusalem") now covers the painting over the high altar. The latter depicts the Battle of Lepanto and is the only painting in the church that was saved from the flames of World War II. (Refer to the 2nd picture.)

Note: this church was originally built in 1266.
Source: Kreuz.Net (with more pictures of this abomination) via Messa in Latino
[New Catholic note: Novus Ordo: more destructive than carpet bombing.]
Source: Kreuz.Net (with more pictures of this abomination) via Messa in Latino
[New Catholic note: Novus Ordo: more destructive than carpet bombing.]