We are pleased to be able to post this series of photographs of Holy Week from the Church of Saint Aloysius in Caulfield (Archdiocese of Melbourne, Australia). The thriving Old Mass Community at Caulfield is under the patronage of His Grace, the Archbishop of Melbourne, the Most Rev'd Denis Hart. The ceremonies at Caulfield were celebrated according to the 1962 Missale Romanum by Fathers Glen Tattersall and John McDaniels. On Palm Sunday and Good Friday, the Fathers were assisted in the chanting of the Passion by Fathers Nicholas Dillon and Laurence Cross.
Blessing of Palms and Solemn Procession:

Extinguishing candles at the hearse:

MAUNDY THURSDAY: Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper
At the Mandatum:

At the Stripping of the Altars: