By Faramir, Riscossa
Cristiana | January 1, 2014
There would be an infallible
method [to employ] so that what happened to Cardinal Burke would not be
repeated in the Church of today. It would be enough if other cardinals had his
same sensus fidei and the courage to remember that the Truth comes before any
personal interest or fears. It would be enough for one other [cardinal] to
repeat the truths defended by Cardinal Burke. Then a third. Then a fourth. Then
a fifth. Then a sixth. Then a seventh. And so on until the number would be such
that it would be impossible to depose anyone else again.
In this way, along the lines of
the final scene in that absolutely subversive and revolutionary film “The Dead
Poets Society” and taking example from the enemies of the Church, our Cardinals
would not only acquire the merit to do what they were made cardinals for in the
eyes of God and the faithful, which means to say to defend the truth until the
shedding of blood if necessary, (and this is not the case obviously) but they
would transmit that the wind does not always blow in the wrong direction, and
that the Holy Ghost still has faithful ready to stand up and say: “Non
And at this point many of the
subversive and revolutionary fantasies which are all the rage in the Church
today would pass away like leaves in the wind.
Recently, Cardinal Caffarra, by
condemning homosexual “marriage” started it off. We anxiously await for tens of
Cardinals to follow him. Starting with the Italians, who in the eyes of God,
have the greater responsibility, above all simply because they are Italians.
Translation: Rorate's Francesca Romana