Rorate Caeli

Liberal Censorship: Synod asks Vatican to create "Vatican Certification" of Acceptable Websites

The most astonishing demand of the "Synod Fathers" who approved their final document without actually reading it is in paragraph #146:

Well, well, well... We know what those "certification systems of Catholic sites" mean: a new form of censorship.

The old censorship, which was excellent in intent, tried to protect Catholics from books promoting heresy and immorality. But this was when many in the Vatican itself were not themselves promoting heresy and living in utter immorality. 

You can just imagine that a man in the shape of Uncle Ted McCarrick could be in charge of this "Vatican Digital Commission" that would promote the "Vatican Certification" of acceptable websites: those promoting sodomy would be accepted, while those promoting the Baltimore Catechism would be rejected...

De Mattei - To the youth: there is only one way to be happy: be holy!

On October 20, 2018, the Voice of the Family held a conference in Rome entitled Created for heaven: the mission of Catholic young adults in today’s world. This  inspiring talk published below was delivered by Professor Roberto de Mattei.

What to say to the young of today? I can say nothing other than what I tell myself each day: be holy. This isn’t an abstract question; it’s a concrete question that concerns each one of us, man or woman, young or old, nobody excluded. I need to be convinced of this: I might attain all the fortunes of life: health, wealth, pleasure, honors and power, but if I don’t become holy, my life will have been a failure.

De Mattei: Monsignor Viganò and The Hour of Judgment

Roberto de Mattei
Corrispondenza Romana
October 24, 2018

The Supreme Judge 

In the climate of silence and downright “omerta” which is reigning in the Church, once more Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s voice has resonated.  Replying to Cardinal Marc Ouellet he reiterated that the McCarrick scandal is merely the point of an immense iceberg represented by the dominance of a powerful homosexual lobby inside the Church.

Cardinal Bacci's "Meditations for Each Day of the Liturgical Year"

Cardinal Antonio Bacci is well beloved of all Traditional-minded Catholics: along with Cardinal Ottaviani, he wrote the introduction an presented to Paul VI the famous "Brief Critical Study of the New Order of the Mass", showing how the Novus Ordo was (and is) opposed to all main aspects of the apostolic Catholic doctrine on the Eucharist.

Arouca Press, a new Catholic publisher in Canada, is republishing Bacci's delightful "Meditations for Each Day" (first published in Italian in 1959, and in English in 1965), as written by this man who loved and cherished the Traditional Liturgy of the Roman Church. The book is $25.99 plus s&h and can be ordered directly from them at or can be purchased through various online retailers such as Amazon. The following is an excerpt of the book's introduction.

The frenetic pace of modern life presents a host of challenges for the Catholic who wishes to grow in sanctity. Distracted by the pressures of modernity, it often leaves him little room for making a profound and serious study of the state of his interior life. The Catholic Faith is not only to be believed but applied to our everyday life and as St. James has said, “faith also, if it have not works, is dead in itself” (Js. 2:14). An excellent means of helping a soul interiorize the principles of the Faith and to dispose the soul to greater acts of love of God is through a book of meditations. This brings us to the present book written by Antonio Cardinal Bacci, who was one of the most renowned Latinists of the 20th century.

Event: Dr Kwasniewski on Liturgical Chant in Whiting, Indiana, Nov. 3

For those in the Chicago area, I will be giving a lecture on "Liturgical Chant: Wellspring, Model, and Heart of All Sacred Music" on Saturday, November 3, 2018, at St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church, 2011 Clark Street, in Whiting, Indiana. Byzantine Vespers will be sung at 5 p.m., with the lecture immediately after. All are welcome.

A priest must be entirely for God

Risultati immagini per back views of priests in cassocks

A priest must be entirely for God ... For this the Church clothes him in a long tunic … The priest’s cassock must show that the consecrated minister has almost no body and is turned to God with all his heart, seeking only the salvation of souls. Now, if the priest’s cassock has a worldly cut, if  his head is styled fashionably with fringes and even perfumed curls, if under a scanty soutane you can see trousers … what then can a Priest represent for his people?  That kind of exteriority does not favour him, and in itself is a very evident sign of too little spirituality and scarce renunciation of the world. …  If he dresses fashionably, he extinguishes his light and shows himself far from the soul’s race towards God.”

(From “In the radius of the greatness of the priestly life” by Dain Cohenel [pseudonym of Don Dolindo Ruotolo] published 1940)


Translation: Contributor Francesca Romana

You Suggest: Retreat in Rome for entrepreneurs with Cardinal Müller

We were proud last year to help promote this fine event. Please consider and make your plans now:

We are honored to invite you to an unique event that initiative is organizing together with the Business Association, a Polish-based Catholic business venture. Entrepreneurs from all over the world will meet in Rome in November to learn from Maximilian Maria Kolbe who, in our opinion, was a great example of a successful entrepreneur and manager. The International Max Retreat will take place for the second time, and this year's keynote speaker will be His Eminence Gerhard Cardinal Müller.

Happy 30th Anniversary, FSSP

This week marks 30 years of amazing work by the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter.  On 18 July 1988, the Fraternity was founded at the Abbey of Hauterive in Switzerland. As observed at NLM, on 18 October 1988 the Fraternity was canonically founded.

A 30th anniversary celebration is underway in Rome (among other places), with a pilgrimage, Masses and meals.  The Missive, the FSSP North American District's excellent online news site, has shared a summary with photos of the commemoration.  More photos will be added to that page.

Twenty years ago this writer had the opportunity to travel to Rome with friends for the Fraternity's 10th anniversary celebration, running into then-Cardinal Ratzinger randomly on a side street as the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith took one of his many solo walks.  He was delighted to meet young men interested in the Fraternity, the Latin Mass and tradition, offering us a blessing in Latin as we knelt on the sidewalk following our conversation.  Before the age of cell phone and digital cameras, our bulky 35 millimeter cameras were (of course!) still in suitcases, so the visual memory remains with the participants.

Event: All Souls Requiem High Mass in Gas City, Indiana

Una Voce Lafayette will be hosting a Requiem Mass for All Souls' Day at Holy Family Parish in Gas City, Indiana (325 East North Street, 46933) on November 2, 2018, at 7:30 pm. Fr. Christopher Roberts will be our celebrant. 

In honor of the bicentennial of his birth, the Saint Dunstan Schola will be singing the Requiem in C Major by Charles Gounod. Joining the choir will be organist Jacob Minns of St. Charles Borromeo, Peru, students of the Ball State School of Music, and the Reen Family String Quartet.

De Mattei: True and False Saints in the Church

Roberto de Mattei
Corrispondenza Romana
October 17, 2018

Risultati immagini per images of paul VI

Among the anniversaries of 2018 there is one that has gone unnoticed: the sixty years since the death of Venerable Pius XII, after a 19-year reign, at Castelgandolfo on October 9th 1958. Yet today his memory still lives on, especially, as Cristina Siccardi notes, as an icon of holiness, worthy of the Vicar of Christ, and for the vastness of his Magisterium, in the context of tragic events, like the Second World War, which erupted six months after his election to the Papacy on March 20th 1939. The death of Pius XII closed an era, which today is referred contemptuously as “pre-conciliar” or “Constantinian”.  With the election of John XXIII (October 28th 1958) and the calling of the Second Vatican Council, a new era in the history of the Church opened: that which had its moment of triumph, on October 14th, with the canonization of Paul VI, after that of Pope Roncalli.  

REMINDER: The Case for Pacelli

Rorate Note: Re-posting this from April 2014. Vatican II, Liberation Theology and the near destruction of the liturgy and the Church were canonized today. While we are now asked to pray to Pope St. Paul VI, we are also asked to ignore the last traditional pontificate of Pius XII, whose case for canonization has been thwarted. Yet, while Paul VI laicized so many priests and religious, and oversaw the destruction of the Roman Rite, Pope Pacelli reigned over a glorious flourishing of the Church in almost all measurable aspects. See below for some staggering statistics:  
Original post:

The canonizations of Pope John XXIII and John Paul II will take place this Sunday, with many flocking to Rome to be a part of the historic event.

Without questioning the two already-mentioned canonizations, the question still remains: Why not Pacelli? 

Let it not be forgotten that his cause for beatification was expressly launched by Paul VI together with that of John XXIII precisely to combat their "almost being turned into symbols or banners of opposite tendencies within Catholicism". (Source) In beatifying and canonizing one but not the other -- does this not imply something about the relative strength of these "opposite tendencies" within the Church? 

Clearly, a very strong case can be made for Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli (Pope Pius XII), from a standpoint of sheer numbers alone.

For those who say we are now living in the greatest age of the Church, let us consider the numbers below, just for the dioceses of the United States during the reign of Pius XII. They are remarkable, to say the least -- if the canonization of a Pope also takes into consideration the appraisal of his pontificate (other than his personal holiness and his prophetical wisdom, both of which are irreproachable regarding Pope Pacelli), then these surely deserve observation:

Guest Note: "Paul VI: the 'Pastoral' Canonization of the Spirit of Vatican II" -- by Fr. Pio Pace

Francis tomorrow will proceed with his sanctification procedure of the worst Pope ever, Paul VI -- not even he, Francis, unleashed such destructive forces upon Holy Mother Church as Paul VI (despite the couple of things he did right). 

Earlier this year, our contributor Fr. Pio Pace, an expert in Romanitas, gave us his opinion on the astonishing "canonization of Paul VI." It is merely an excuse to canonize the horrendous"Spirit of Vatican II".


Paul VI: a "Pastoral" canonization?

Fr. Pio Pace

Perhaps Paul VI had remarkable and heroic virtues in his private and secret life. But, as Pope, he is the object of not little debate: he promulgated the most liberal texts of the Council (Gaudium et Spes, Unitatis Redintegratio, Nostra Aetate, Dignitatis Humanae); he led a liturgical reform that turned sacred liturgy upside down and inside out; and several other things, big and small, such as the suppression of the extremely ancient and venerable Roman Subdiaconate.

"This Evening I saw the Future of the Church: The Future is the Traditional Mass"

by Fr. Richard G. Cipolla

This evening I saw the future, the real Future of the Church, not the one being imagined by the crowd in Rome who mistake the future because of the mindless bureaucracy that thinks it has the Spirit imprisoned in the 1960s under the title of the “spirit of Vatican II.”  When the present Pontiff was elected, I wrote an essay called “Back to the Future”, which predicted that the Church would have to relive the sixties but this time with a vengeance. All those prelates and their briefcase carrying followers who went underground during the pontificate of John Paul II would meet and talk with great nostalgia during those dark (for them) years under John Paul II and Benedict XVI. They talked about the “unfinished work” of the Council, that work that had little to do with Council documents but much more to do with their image of the New Church that would be updated to fit the needs and desires of Modern Man. 

Poor things.  They did not realize that Modern Man died in the sixties and that Post-Modern Man was emerging and was slouching towards Bethlehem. When you live in a sealed container that is the Vatican and its bureaucracy, there is little chance you will be conversant with what is really happening in the world and in the mind and hearts of people.  But the 60s crowd are back and with a vengeance.  The only 60s program that kept on going during their exile was the program of the moral corruption of the clergy.  That continued to grow and flourish. The destruction of the liturgical life of the Church was for a time halted, and it seemed that there might be a possibility of questioning the basis of liturgical reform following the Council and of at least thinking that there was in fact a discontinuity in the liturgical life of the Church that resulted in the emptying out of our churches.

But a bureaucrat cannot possibly conceive of a discontinuity in the life of the Church, for the bureaucrat must believe that whatever happens is by definition the work of the Holy Spirit, and so the only thing that he must do is to rethink and change course according to what he hears and what he is told is the latest manifestation of the Spirit, be it in a synod, or a sermon, or an encyclical, or a press conference, or what is whispered in the hallways and the loggia. 

Wuerl I, Wuerl II and Wuerl III

Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Donald Cardinal Wuerl as archbishop of Washington, nearly three years after Wuerl submitted it upon turning 75.

Far from a dismissal or firing of any kind, Wuerl and Francis managed to turn the action into a retirement party.  In the pope's "beautiful letter" (Wuerl's words this morning in a 6:09 a.m. listserv email) to the outgoing archbishop, Wuerl was praised by Francis:

"You have sufficient elements to 'justify' your actions and distinguish what it means to cover up crimes or not to deal with problems, and to commit some mistakes. However your nobility has led you not to choose this way of defense. Of this I am proud and thank you."

The Archdiocese of Washington has created a tribute page to Cardinal Wuerl, highlighting all of the archbishop's accomplishments and defending his reputation.  All that is missing is the presentation of a gold watch during a luncheon to celebrate such a successful career heading into retirement.

COLUMBUS IS OURS -- Let us rejoice!

Monastery of Sant Jeroni de la Murtra, near Barcelona,
where the Catholic Monarchs welcomed Columbus back from the Indies in 1493
Now that four centuries have sped since a Ligurian first, under God's guidance, touched shores unknown beyond the Atlantic, the whole world is eager to celebrate the memory of the event, and glorify its author. Nor could a worthier reason be found where through zeal should be kindled. For the exploit is in itself the highest and grandest which any age has ever seen accomplished by man; and he who achieved it, for the greatness of his mind and heart, can be compared to but few in the history of humanity.

Vatican II at 56: Like all Totalitarianisms of the 20th Century, Vatican II will still cause great havoc

The Second Vatican Council was opened in Rome exactly 56 years ago, on October 11, 1962. John XXIII had chosen this day, the Feast of the Divine Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin, a memento of the Council of Ephesus, as the day of its beginning. Irony of ironies: the whirlwind generated by the Council that would almost extinguish the Traditional liturgy of the Roman Church included the abolition of the Feast on this day and the transformation of the Octave Day of Christmas in a similar solemnity.

There are several ways to understand Vatican II, but one has perhaps been overlooked. It is often said that the Council was a "reaction" of transformed European bishops, "horrified" by the Second World War. And yet... those were men of the 20th century, marked by the great movements of the 20th century, both of which -- Communism and Fascism/National-Socialism -- were characterized by a hatred of the past and tradition, and a love for the New Man, the New Society, the New World. All things, all traditions, all families, all institutions, and all individuals that were obstacles to the construction of the New Socialist State, the New People, the New Volk were to be abolished forever.

Newly Published: Two Historical Novels by Benson, Two Classic Liturgical Commentaries, and a Great Vocations Pamphlet

I am pleased to announce new reprints of five works that should never have gone out of print in the first place. All are available from Amazon sites; the titles below give the hyperlinks. 

Jesuit Fordham University Student Op-Ed: In Support of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Olivia Ingrassia
Fordham University student

This past August, former papal nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò released a revelatory letter that detailed how Pope Francis was well aware of ex-Cardinal McCarrick’s heinous clerical abuse. This scathing letter divulged that Pope Francis not only lifted sanctions placed on the sexual predator by Pope Benedict XVI, but also covered for him, even making McCarrick his “trusted counsellor.” While many have discredited the 11-page epistle merely as a far-right tactic to oppose the Jesuit Pope, this report is undoubtedly concerning, especially since the Vatican has remained silent and neither denied nor addressed these claims. This has left many demanding further responses from the pontiff, who has instead deferred to “silence and prayer” during these most tumultuous times.

However, despite the potential danger, many prelates have courageously defended Viganò’s claims. For example, Cardinal Raymond Burke said that, “the declarations made by a prelate of the authority of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò must be totally taken to heart by those responsible in the Church.” Burke continued in speaking to the validity of calls for the Pope’s resignation if these allegations are proven true. Similarly, Monsignor Jean-Francois Lantheaume and also spoke to the veracity of these claims and questioned Francis’ taciturnity in the wake of these searing allegations, equating his silence to cover-up. In addition, Viganò recently broke his silence and doubled down on his original letter, stating that his testimony was published “during a crescendo of continual news of terrible events, with thousands of innocent victims destroyed and the vocations and lives of young priests and religious disturbed," and asserts before God that it is true. Viganò, who has reportedly activated the death switch, pointed to the fact that neither the Pope nor any Cardinal in Rome denied his testimony, and accused Pope Francis of slander and hypocrisy.

News: Rome Fires Pro-Homosexual Union Jesuit College Rector in Germany (First report in English)

Rome has effectively fired, that is refused the nihil obstat for another term, the Rector of the German Jesuit theological college of Sankt Georgen in Frankfurt.

New Traditional Latin Mass in NYC: new home for the TLM in Queens

Our friends of the Sursum Corda Society report the following:

The Latin Mass in Queens has a new home! On the Feast of Our Lady of The Holy Rosary, we celebrated our first Mass at St. Josaphat's in Bayside [Queens, New York City - Diocese of Brooklyn]. The high altar was renovated, and is still in the process of renovation, for the full celebration of the pre-Vatican II liturgy and sacraments. In addition to weekly Sunday Mass, Traditional Mass will be offered on the evening of Holy Days, First Fridays and First Saturdays.

Fr. Stephen Saffron is the celebrant and administrator

(Image by Arrys Ortañez - Source)

"The highest moment that the centuries ever witnessed."

"The highest moment that the centuries ever witnessed." (Cervantes)

We cannot but recall that four great Roman Pontiffs came from the Dominican ranks. Of these, the last, St. Pius V, won undying gratitude from Christianity and civil society. He joined together, after unceasing efforts, the arms of the Catholic princes, and under the patronage of the Virgin Mother of God, whom, therefore, he ordered to be saluted in future as Help to Christians, destroyed forever at Lepanto the power of the Turks.

Striking Poll: Collapse of Francis' support in the US on all fronts

Please, take a look at the Pew poll released just a couple of days ago, in which American Catholics give their opinion on the current Bishop of Rome.

It is a much better poll than the usual "approve/ don't approve" type of poll, since it goes to the heart of what a Pope actually does. And it is all the more shocking because it includes all self-declared Catholics, and not practicing Catholics. One can only imagine the view Catholics who go at least to Sunday Mass every Sunday truly think about the current Roman Pontiff.

You Suggest: 12 days to raise £1.2 million

Fr. De Malleray, FSSP, asked us to pass this along to our readers. Let's help them get this done!

                    Be part of this miracle – help us secure a strong traditional Catholic hub in England

The FSSP in England is growing and needs larger facilities. We raised half a million pounds this past summer to buy two buildings next to our beautiful Pugin Church in Warrington. But we need another GBP1.2m by 18 October, or the owner will turn it into flats.

With so many gloomy news across the Church and world, please support this promising Catholic venture. There, the first EF priestly ordinations by an English Archbishop in 50 years occurred last year. There, the same Archbishop, Malcolm McMahon OP of Liverpool, came thrice in three years to ordain priests. There, traditional doctrine is broadcast through daily homilies and frequent lectures via LiveMass.

The Priory Campaign is supported by the Latin Mass Society, by pro-lifers such as SPUC40 Days for LifeGood Counsel Network, and other prominent Catholics such as Archbishop McMahon, Jacob Rees Mogg and Viscountess Ashbrook.

Watch our short presentation video, by EWTN film director Stefano Mazzeo:

To donate: 
1.      please make the cheque or bank transfer payable to ‘FSSP ENGLAND’;
2.      write ‘Priory Campaign’ on the back of your cheque or in the bank transfer reference.
3.      Are you a UK tax payer? Help us maximize your donation through Gift Aid.  Please download our Gift-Aid form. FSSP ENGLAND is a registered charity: number 1129964.

This image summarizes the LGBT "Youth" Synod

The LGBT "Youth" Synod (officially, 'The XV Official General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops", dedicated to the "Youth") opened today in Rome.

In his opening address, the Pope attacked "clericalism" -- as if he were not the most clericalist man in the world, refusing to respond to the Viganò accusations that he protected and promoted Ted McCarrick. He also railed against "blogs", meaning we are doing our job right.

The symbol of this Synod that no one asked for and that will have no legitimacy (since its composition was carefully manipulated to avoid any resistance to the Pope's pro-LGBT agenda) is the ferula Francis chose to use: not the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, but this contraption:

Vatican II Springtime Update! First Ursuline House in North America abandoned by last sisters

In 1608, after decades of tentative exploration, in the name of the not very Catholic Henry IV, King of France, Pierre Dugas, Sieur de Mons, and Samuel de Champlain founded the City of Québec on a hillside overlooking the Saint Lawrence River.

The first years were extremely harsh, but in order for the colonization to advance, Catholic missions were always indispensable: and more than Catholic missions, Catholic sisters who could be a beacon for new families and, hopefully, help educate the girls born in this still almost wild environment.

The very Catholic Louis XIII signed the orders for the foundation of the Ursuline Convent in Quebec City in 1639, and the sisters who arrived not long afterwards, led by Saint Mary of the Incarnation, can be rightfully placed among the foundresses of Canada.

Before Vatican II

They faced wars and hunger, sometimes at the very midst of battle, as in the decisive Battle of the Plains of Abraham, but they endured it all. All, except the secularization that followed Vatican II. Because, if Quebec was indeed entering its own process of secularization when the horrible Council started, there can be no doubt that the secularization of religious orders forced from on top by the Vatican during and after the Council contributed more than anything else to the collapse of religious orders of men and women around the world. They resisted it all, and now, in 2018, they are shutting down for good.

And now all that is left is to report this tragedy (as we did about the Dominicans of Florence last week):

Dr Kwasniewski’s Upcoming Lectures in England

On this first day of October, I am happy to be able to publish the schedule of my upcoming lecture tour in England, kindly sponsored by the Latin Mass Society of England & Wales. The tour serves in part as a launch for my new book from Angelico Press, coming out in mid-October: Tradition and Sanity: Conversations & Dialogues of a Postconciliar Exile.

I shall be giving five different lectures from October 26th to October 30th at five locations: Oxford, Aylesford Priory, Ramsgate, and two in London. All details are listed below, as well as in the attached posters from the LMS.

In addition, two new choral compositions will receive their world premieres by the ensemble Cantus Magnus under the direction of Matthew Schellhorn: a motet “Ego Mater Pulchrae Dilectionis” (SATB) on October 27th and the Missa Rex in Æternum (ATB) on October 28th; these will be joined by three UK premieres of other motets.

Reminder: Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society

This is our monthly reminder to please enroll Souls of the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society. We added another wonderful priest to the Society this month and now stand at 89 priests saying weekly or monthly traditional Latin Masses for the Souls. Come on Fathers, let's get this to 100! 

** Click here to download a "fillable" PDF Mass Card to give to the loved ones of the Souls you enroll. It's free for anyone to use. **

Priests: The Souls still need more of you saying Mass for them! Please email me to offer your services. There's nothing special involved -- all you need to do is offer a weekly or monthly TLM with the intention: "For the Souls enrolled in the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society." And we will always keep you completely anonymous unless you request otherwise. 

How to enroll souls: please email me at and submit as follows: "Name, State, Country." If you want to enroll entire families, simply write in the email: "The Jones family, Ohio, USA". Individual names are preferred. Be greedy -- send in as many as you wish and forward this posting to friends as well.