“The Motu Proprio cut off the head of Benedict's line, and Desiderio buries its corpse” — Article by Luisella Scrosati
Apostolic Letter Desiderio desideravi: An Admission of Failure
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Contemporary results of liturgical formation in the Novus Ordo, February 2022 (Holy Family, Inverness, Archdiocese of Chicago, USA) |
I do not see how it is possible to say that one recognizes the validity of the Council — though it amazes me that a Catholic might presume not to do so — and at the same time not accept the liturgical reform born out of Sacrosanctum Concilium... (Desiderio desideravi, 31)
So writes Pope Francis in his Apostolic Letter Desiderio desideravi, released today, on the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, which acts as yet another indicator - if any more were needed! - that the generous, forward-looking vision of Benedict XVI has been replaced with a miserly and insular ignorance masquerading as "listening, dialogue and participation." Remarkably, on the same day he reaffirms Traditionis custodes, the Pope had this to say in his morning homily:
Fontgombault Sermon for Sts. Peter & Paul: “The Church becomes younger not when she compromises with the world, but when she receives the truth from the Spirit”
Feast of Saints Peter and Paul
In a same solemnity the Church unites St. Peter, a fisherman from Galilee, chosen by the Lord as the chief of the Apostles, and as the fundamental cornerstone of the Church; and St. Paul, a Roman citizen born in Tarsus, in Cilicia, who, from a persecutor of the first Christians, was to turn into the fearless preacher of the Gospel.
Francis publishes the Anti-Ratzinger Liturgical Manifesto: Apostolic Letter Desiderio Desideravi
Francis throws his hat fully on the “hermeneutic of rupture” view on the liturgy in his Apostolic Letter Desiderio desideravi — Ratzinger’s life work on liturgy and this, as far apart as day and night. The full text in English is here.
Traditionalist publishing renaissance (5): The newly-established Cenacle Press
Many readers will already be familiar with the wonderful online giftshop of the traditional Benedictine monastery of Silverstream Priory in Ireland. The same monastery has recently launched Cenacle Press, with six classic reprints, all newly typeset -- four by Robert Hugh Benson and two by Dom Hubert van Zeller -- along with biography of a remarkable Polish nun, Sr. Maria Bernadette of the Cross, and a collection of new poetic works and poetic translations from Latin by the monks of Silverstream.
All titles are available from the online giftshop (ships to anywhere) and also at online retailers such as Amazon. Happy reading!
Washington Post Op-Ed: “Let the Latin Mass Remain in D.C.”
Our contributor Ken Wolfe has penned a heartfelt article for The Washington Post (today’s edition) on the impending archdiocesan decision regarding the Traditional Latin Mass in the Archdiocese of Washington.
Here it is, take a look.
The Council and the Eclipse of God – by Don Pietro Leone - Chapter 8 – ‘The Council’s Anthropology in its Ideological Context.’
My apologies. In Chapter 8, which addressed the Council’s deification of man, the following paragraphs towards the end were meant to be prior to the one on the Emperor Claudius’ arrival at heaven’s gate, but were inadvertently left out. Too precious this excellent, short read. Not to be missed.
Painting of 'Homer Among the Greeks' by Gustav Jäger. 1808
‘Even the pagan religions
offer a deeper and more serious vision of life and death than the Council.’ Don Pietro Leone.
The Council’s Anthropology in its Ideological Context
LIFE WINS - Roe is Overturned!
The Dobbs decision is here.
Gratitude to God Almighty, the Blessed Virgin, and scores of faithful Christians, including so many Catholics, who have prayed, fought, canvassed, voted, waited patiently for this moment.
This is not the end, but it is the beginning of the end.
Fr Gwilym Evans FSSP: First Mass, photos

The Feast of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus – June 24, 2022
FSSP Ordinations in Bavaria: photos
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Photo by Monika Rheinschmitt |
An iconographic project worthy of the Middle Ages — the traditionalist Fraternity of St Vincent Ferrer’s monumental altar in progress
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The 1/10 scale model of the future high altar of Our Lady of the Rosary (with wings closed) |
Event: Mass for the Feast of the Sacred Heart, Philadelphia
On Friday, June 24 a Missa Solemnis (Solemn High Mass) will be offered at 7PM at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
All are invited to attend this special celebration in Honor of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Presuming Confession and Holy Communion, a plenary indulgence may be gained as the Act of Reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Litany of the Sacred Heart will be solemnly prayed before the exposed Most Blessed Sacrament.
Near Bridgeport, Connecticut: Solemn Latin Mass and Procession for Corpus Christi
Our friends at the Bridgeport, CT, oratory of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest asked us to post this notice. We are always glad to see the feast being kept on its proper day, as it will be at hundreds of Latin Mass locations around the world on Thursday, June 16, 2022.
"Synodal" Pope Changes Canon Law to Prevent Bishops from Establishing New Traditional Priestly or Religious Communities in Their Dioceses
ADDENDUM: Gregory DiPippo pointed out the following passage from Lumen Gentium (n. 27): “The pastoral office, or the habitual and daily care of their sheep, is entrusted to [the local bishops] completely, nor are they to be regarded as vicars of the Roman Pontiffs, for they exercise an authority that is proper to them.... In virtue of this power, bishops have the sacred right and the duty before the Lord to make laws for their subjects, to pass judgment on them and to moderate everything pertaining to the ordering of worship and the apostolate.”
How the ironies multiply...
Read more at Fr. Z.
Good take at The Pillar.
A look at a parish Cardinal Wilton Gregory wants to destroy
Wilton Cardinal Gregory is preparing to announce that every traditional Latin Mass in the Archdiocese of Washington will be suppressed. This includes seven public Masses at archdiocesan parishes each Sunday, numerous holy day and weekday TLMs and several parishes that offer private Masses. All told there are about 20 priests residing in the archdiocese that offer the traditional Latin Mass. A non-parish location, such as the Franciscan Monastery, would be used for a merged traditional ghetto to replace all of the other TLMs.
Traditionalist publishing renaissance (4): Sophia Institute Press releases book-length interview with Bishop Schneider, and more
It is worth pointing out that while the cover describes the hymnal as useful for "both forms" of the Roman rite, there is in fact nothing in it that is specific to the Novus Ordo; all of the content is much older and suits the traditional liturgy perfectly, since that was the origin of the texts (often by way of the divine office) and melodies. Now that Francis has put aside the legal fiction of "two forms," we can all get back to the real work of restoring the one and only Roman Rite there is, namely, the traditional one. This hymnal does not contain Gregorian chant, and therefore has to be supplemented by other books like The Parish Book of Chant; but on the side of hymnody it has no parallel and not even any close competitor.
[ADDENDUM 6/13/22: I should note that this hymnal, as wide-ranging and groundbreaking as it is, does not contain some of the more familiar melodies and texts that Catholics have grown accustomed to, and for this purpose I recommend consulting another recent publication, A Catholic Book of Hymns, part of the Sacred Music Library, Augusta, Kentucky. Read more here.]
Pope Mocks Roman Liturgical Art and Humiliates Sicilian Priests
Sicily is almost a nation in itself, and Sacred Art and liturgical beauty have always flourished in that island, in times of Christian freedom. Much of the liturgical beauty of vestments has been preserved in Sicily and elsewhere in Italy since the invention of the 1969 New Mass, and it is still used.
The Cruel Pope: The End
Damian Thompson has a very interesting piece on Unheard on the cruelty of the Francis pontificate, a cruelty that is a reflection of the man himself. Even many of his liberal supporters are hoping for a new pope, as liberal as him but that is at least a kind man.
This horror was foreseen by a few on the day of his election, and is summarized by Thompson thus:
The Council and the Eclipse of God by Don Pietro Leone: CHAPTER VIII – part 3 : THE DEIFICATION OF MAN
The Deification of Man

“Many ‘on the one hands’ and ‘on the other’ around a Francis resignation” — Michael Charlier on the end of a pontificate
“Why Latin Is the Right Language for Roman Catholic Worship” — Full Text of Dr. Kwasniewski’s Cleveland Lecture
Book Review: Christian Fashion in the Teaching of the Church, by Virginia Coda Nunziante
Publishing, 2022) pp108.
This book is being launched in London, in the St Wilfrid Hall of the London Oratory, on Thursday 9th June, and I have been asked by the publishers, Calx Mariae Publications, to review it in advance of this event. Please click here for more details.
“The Pneumonia of the Church”: Archbishop Aguer on the Sickness and Its Remedy
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Archbishop Emeritus Hector Aguer |
At present—at least according to what is determined ex auctoritate superiori—there is neither kerygma nor didache in the Church. There remain, undoubtedly, survivors of better times, the pontificates of John Paul II and Benedict XVI. But in the “official” line, those who are outside the Church are no longer called to conversion, nor are the faithful who need and wish to grow in the Faith. Fundamental themes of the Creed and Catholic catechesis have disappeared from ordinary preaching: God in his Unity and Trinity; Jesus Christ, true God and true man; Redemption; sin and grace; the Commandments (the sixth, especially, is a thing of the past); hope in eternal life; the devil and his wiles; the danger and threat of eternal damnation; and, in general, the content happily expressed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
We can expect and find these truths in the preaching of Protestant evangelical pastors, who are not ashamed to show that they are Christians and zealously propose the way of following the Lord. We must excuse them for a certain fundamentalism in the interpretation of Sacred Scripture, which they know inside-out, and, in some cases, for a charismatic exultation that is a bit overwhelming. But, thanks be to God, these Christian brothers and sisters do proclaim something of the message of the Kingdom (what a pity that they have neither the Eucharist nor the Virgin Mary!). They exercise their ministry through programs in the media, which the Catholic Church in many places totally lacks. I do not know if there are many Catholics who actually turn to Protestant evangelicalism; what is certain is that the dimensions of the Church are shrinking in many countries, particularly in Argentina.
What, instead, is the dominant interest of Catholic preaching today, according to official guidelines? The “new paradigms”: improving people’s lives in this world; the care of Mother Earth; social injustices; “climate change”; the deforestation of the Amazon. In broad terms, we can say: the criteria of a New World Order, financed by the international imperialism of money. The Holy See yields; in February 2019 it adhered to the document on Universal Fraternity, signed in Abu Dhabi. Freemasonry rejoices.
Another symptom of pneumonia: the devastation of the liturgy that has followed the postconciliar debacle. The sensible recommendations contained in the constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium were not heeded. The itinerary followed by the reforms imposed by the Holy See—especially the creation of a new Mass, which is not usually called the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, but rather “Eucharistic celebration”—has failed to recognize that true reform is always a restoration. The eminent liturgist Klaus Gamber has shown how the rites of the Church developed organically, without ever breaking with Tradition. The recent pretension (it has been going on for half a century) implies a “creative pride,” with painful effects. If we wish to refer to the Roman Rite, we must recognize that it was substantially constituted at the end of the fourth century, by the work of Pope St. Damasus; it received additions by St. Gregory the Great at the end of the sixth century, and was defined after the Council of Trent by the Bull Quo Primum of St. Pius V. This is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the latest version of which is from 1962, the Missal of John XXIII. True reform is the recovery of the original forms, as St. Pius X did with the Gregorian Chant.
Benedict XVI knew very well that the traditional Latin Mass had never been abolished, and he reinstated it as an “extraordinary form” of the Roman Rite, in order to respect, with authentic pastoral sense, the priests who celebrated it and the faithful who participated in it with undeniable spiritual fruits. It was a very wise decision, as could be expected from a great theologian who is at the same time a man of God. This work was demolished by a draconian, despotic measure, the motu proprio Traditionis Custodes. This document was a lousy, arbitrary, and ideological ukase, alien to the organic development of the Church. Bishop Rob Mutsaerts has rightly written that “the Liturgy is not a plaything of the popes, but the heritage of the Church.”
The liturgical devastation is not acknowledged by the Holy See, which has embraced a flat, poorly-disguised progressivism. St. Vincent of Lérins, in his Commonitory, pointed out how doctrine, discipline, and in general all ecclesial realities develop homogeneously. This is how the truth can be expressed nove, with new, updated terms, but it cannot be replaced by nova, new things. In other words, the same dogma remains, with the same meaning, and the identity of the content of the Faith.
Relativism has almost officially imposed itself; we can no longer expect a clear definition of what to believe, and of the errors from which we must guard ourselves. We know this because, thanks be to God, we have the Catechism of the Catholic Church, a point of reference that frees us from the contradictions incurred by a “higher authority” on which the security of the faithful, especially the simplest, the poor, should be able to rest. Moreover, God, Christ, the Mystery of Redemption, the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, seem to be trapped in the jaws of Kantian Practical Reason. Moralism takes the place of the dogma of Faith. There is much to be said about this aspect of the current problem, especially because it is a reductive morality that ignores the breadth of the Law of God.
Another symptom of the pneumonia is the change produced in the last nine years in the method of discernment. Two weights and two measures are used. All is granted for the partisans of progressivism, in its various variants (I say “partisans” because it is about a partial vision of the Christian reality), but not even justice is given to those who love the great Ecclesial Tradition and decide to abide by it in their personal life, and in the participation or in the leadership of the Christian community. The method of “discernment” evoked here is brutally expressed by General Juan Domingo Perón, three times president of Argentina: “For friends, everything; for enemies, not even justice.”
This is how we discover why there are “cancelled priests” (this phrase is already widely in circulation), eliminated from the list by the bishops who are clinging to the new Roman orientations. The episcopal conferences are the instrument to impose a uniformity according to which “fraternity” is, simply, a beautiful word to show off. Bishops who are consistent with all that the Apostolic Succession implies are ignored and abandoned to their fate. Episcopates are often instruments of ecclesial politicization. We can call “cancelled bishops” those who are liquidated before their time, without waiting for the guillotine of 75 years to arrive. It does not matter if the dioceses over which they preside are flourishing and they enjoy the love of the faithful; many times disloyalty, denunciations, internal conflicts, play a role in their downfall. And sincere objectivity is lacking for the correct judgment of such situations.
The habit of murmuring has often been attributed to women, but in reality it is a typically clerical vice. The bishops of Ciudad del Este (Paraguay) and San Luis (Argentina), among others, have been cancelled. Daniel Fernandez Torres, Bishop of Arecibo (Puerto Rico), was deposed because, with all dignity, he refused to resign as requested by the Apostolic Delegate. Three years ago I preached there the Spiritual Exercises to the clergy of the diocese; and I was able to verify, personally, what a well-conducted particular Church looks like. Will Bishop Dominique Rey, bishop of Fréjus-Toulon, who has just been ordered by Rome to suspend the ordinations of six deacons and four priests only three weeks before the scheduled date, be one of the next to be cancelled?
Faced with the panorama I have tried to describe, one can ask oneself what to do, what medicine to take, in order to cure this pneumonia. I answer: we have to cry out—not content ourselves with complaining to ecclesial officialdom, even if errors and injustices are noticed and suffered, but rather, cry out to God! In Sacred Scripture, especially in the prophetic books, we find numerous cases in which the people of Israel cried out to the Lord—their cry reached the ears of the Almighty and Merciful God, and He responded to those who prayed to Him with humility and trust in times of great distress. Many psalms contain such cries of the heart, especially individual and collective lamentations.
In the face of the persistent pneumonia affecting the Church, let us cry out to the heavenly Physician. Prayer becomes a cry whenever we fail to see any relief in the development of the disease; this cry must be sustained by an unwavering Faith. We believe that the divine answer can grant us a new stage of health and freshness, of gratitude and joy, to better fulfill the Lord’s command. In Isaiah 30:19, we read: “Yes, O people of Zion who dwell in Jerusalem, you shall weep no more. He will have mercy when he hears your cry; as soon as he hears you, he will answer you.”
A popular saying assures us that “no evil lasts a hundred years”; and in bad times it is not only necessary to bear with patience and serenity what the Lord allows for our good, but also to look to the future with hope. I am referring to theological virtue of hope, by which we “hang” on the Will of God, as we do when we pray the Our Father: Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
+ Hector Aguer
Emeritus Archbishop of La Plata
Buenos Aires, Pentecost Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Fontgombault Sermon for Pentecost 2022: Let us all become Preachers of the Gospel
Audivimus eos loquentes nostris linguis magnalia Dei. We have heard them speak in our own tongues the wonderful works of God. (Acts 2:11)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
My dearly beloved Sons,
St. Benedict completes the very short chapter 19 in his Rule, dedicated to how to sing the Psalms, by a wish: “May our mind be in harmony with our voice.”
After reminding us, together with the Psalmist, that the duty of the monks is to sing the Lord in the sight of the angels and with fear, his conclusion is:
Therefore, let us consider how it becomes us to behave in the sight of God and His angels, and let us so stand to sing, that our mind may be in harmony with our voice.
“Casuistry or prudence?”—Article by Archbishop Aguer
Argentina’s political and social problems are multiplying and causing concern and anguish; they would provide an argument for a long exposition. However, I prefer to deal with an ecclesiastical issue, which I consider must be clarified in no uncertain terms.
The Council and the Eclipse of God by Don Pietro Leone : CHAPTER VIII – part 2 – THE DIGNITY OF MAN

“The novel doctrines that Our Lord joined Himself to every man in the Incarnation, and redeemed him by His Death and Resurrection, offer the logical justification for Ecumenism and for treating members of other religions in a similar, friendly way: Every-one is redeemed so there is no need to convert them to the Catholic Faith. Once again we see an implicit denial of two further dogmas: that there is no salvation outside the Church, and that the Church’s final end is the salvation of the whole of mankind.” (Don Pietro Leone)