Cardinal Roche (Unwittingly?) Utters the Most Ironic Statement Since the Council
Michael Davies to bishop of Fresno in 1976: “My Lord, this is not the action of a good shepherd but a bad bureaucrat”
National Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage from the Arlington Cathedral to the Washington Cathedral, September 17, 2022
President of the Pontifical Academy for Life: Abortion Liberalization “is a Pillar of our Social Life.”
The State of Schools Today and the Sound Principles of Education to prepare Children for Heaven - by Don Pietro Leone
‘Suffer the little children to come unto me’
by Fritz von Uhde (1885)
+ In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
“A Traditionalist should long for the Schism of the German Church” — Interview with Martin Mosebach
Traditional Latin Mass Leads Actor Shia LaBeouf to Catholicism
From an interview granted by the actor to Bishop Robert Barron:
— JuventutemDC (@juventutemDC) August 25, 2022
The full interview where this remarkable exchange was made is available here:
Dr. Kwasniewki’s Four Lectures in North Carolina, September 2–4, 2022
I will be in North Carolina at the start of September, giving lectures in Charlotte, Tryon, and Highlands. The poster has all the details but here’s an overview:
Friday, September 2, at 7:00 pm
“The Primacy of Tradition and Obedience to the Truth”
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, Charlotte
Saturday, September 3, at 9:30 am
“‘Let Us Adore, Fall Down, and Weep…’: Rethinking How We Approach the Holy Eucharist”
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, Charlotte
Saturday, September 3, at 6:30 pm
“Raised in the Fear and Love of God: The Traditional Mass and Family Catechesis”
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Tryon
Sunday, September 4, at 12:30 pm
“What Is a Catholic Church Supposed to Look Like and Why Does It Matter?”
Our Lady of the Mountains Catholic Church, Highlands
Looking forward to meeting friends and readers if you’re in the area!
“A Dereliction of Paternal Duty…”: Open Letter to Bishop of Arlington
THE COUNCIL AND THE ECLIPSE OF GOD by Don Pietro Leone – Chapter 9 – C) Moral Analysis – part 2 - ‘Truth has Pre-eminence over Love’
‘The Sermon on the Mount’
Painting by Ivan Makarov
i) That the Condemnation of Error is Not an Act of Mercy
Rosary Rally at Nunciature in Washington DC, Saturday at 10 AM: Let's Increase the Numbers
Defense of the TLM’s “Sacerdotalism”: Full Text of Dr. Kwasniewski’s Michigan Lecture
THE COUNCIL AND THE ECLIPSE OF GOD by Don Pietro Leone – Chapter 9 – C) Moral Analysis –part 1
C. Moral
‘Woe to the foolish
prophets that follow their own spirit and see nothing... They see vain things
and they foretell lies, saying: the Lord saith: whereas the Lord hath not sent
them... they have deceived my people saying: Peace: and there is no peace...’
Ezechiel 13. 3,6,10
A Vatican II Moment: The Sea Float Mass
It's been a while since we posted a new image for our "A Vatican II Moment" series -- but this takes the cake. One year after Francis had the boldness to claim, to our lying eyes, that the New Mass of Paul VI is, "the only expression of the Roman Rite," Fr. Mattia Bernasconi, of the Archdiocese of Milan, decided to celebrate it on a float bed by the seaside in Calabria (southern Italy), as part of a Youth Camp.
Right there we see the "elevation of the chalice", in floaty fashion.
It took place in July, and was reported elsewhere weeks ago -- but we wanted to keep it here for the record of the current events of this Pontificate, where anything goes. Anything, except, that is, the Traditional Latin Mass.
(Tip: Messa in latino)
DC Rosary Rally in front of the Nunciature: Every Saturday
It starts tomorrow, 10 AM, in front of the Apostolic Nunciature (the “Vatican Embassy”) in Washington DC.
Please, join them, and let us make our voices heard.
“The Mass Is Not Ended” — A Review-Essay by Cleto Moroni
Third Annual Festival of King St Louis in St. Louis, Missouri: Full Schedule
Finishing Off Traditionalists — Article by Enrico Roccagiachini
The Pastoral Care of the Dicastery for Divine Worship towards the Traditional Faithful
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The Traditional Mass behind bars: so to speak. The Oxford Oratory. |
Fr. Armand de Malleray's new book: "The Sacred Liturgy as a Secret Garden"
The well-known children’s story The Secret Garden lends itself to a religious and modern interpretation. Like orphaned children in desperate need of spiritual comfort, many Catholics discovered the traditional Latin Mass thanks to the Covid pandemic. Thirsting for Confession, for Eucharistic adoration, or for Holy Communion administered with reverence, they rejoiced when finding all this and more in traditional worship. This book offers an analogy between Frances Hodgson Burnett’s pre-WWI tale for children, and the revelation experienced in the 2020s by a growing number of adults stepping into the grace-filled haven of the traditional Roman liturgy.
THE COUNCIL AND THE ECLIPSE OF GOD by Don Pietro Leone : Chapter 9 – Theological Analysis – part 3: Conclusion to the Council’s Attack on the Person of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
‘The two attacks on Our Blessed Lord, the first in the Council and the second in the New Order of the Mass, in virtue of the Divine excellence of their object and of their immeasurable spiritual damage to souls , must rank as the two greatest evils of the last century.’ Don Pietro Leone
What Does “Full Communion” Mean? — Of Ecclesial Insults and Injuries
"The Proclamation of the Kingdom": One-Day Online Conference from the Dialogos Institute
Our friends at the Dialogos Institute are sponsoring an online summer conference, taking place on August 20, 2022.
Jesus weeps over Jerusalem as we weep for the Liturgy of the Church
Sermon for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
And they will not leave one stone upon another in you; because you did not know the time of your visitation. (Matthew 24:2)
Today’s gospel is not a parable, it is not a specific teaching of Jesus. It is one of the most dramatic scenes in the Gospel: Jesus’ weeping over Jerusalem as he enters the city and the driving out of the money changers from the Temple. What can we make of this scene? What does it mean for us? It is true that it describes a particular event in Jesus’ history and that it can be analyzed in this way. But the Gospel at Mass is not merely to give information of Jesus’ life. The gospel is the making present of Christ as the living Word, that Word that has to speak to us and penetrate our hearts.
Words of Spiritual Wisdom from Dom Pius de Hemptinne, a Disciple of Dom Columba Marmion
The Death of a Parish
Francis' Unwise "Mea Culpa" in Canada - by Roberto de Mattei
“Poetry is perhaps a little too much for our rather practical spirit”: Saint Alphonsus and the odore suavitatis
Today in the traditional calendar of the Roman Rite is the feast of Saint Alphonsus Maria de’ Liguori, the founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists), and Doctor of the Church. [1] In the Secret prayer for Saint Alphonsus (addressed to the Son), one will notice a lovely poetic echo of the offertory prayers from just a few moments before in the Mass (addressed to the Father): [2]
Order of Mass: Offérimus tibi, Dómine, cálicem salutáris, tuam deprecántes cleméntiam: ut in conspéctu divínæ maiestátis tuæ, pro nostra et totíus mundi salúte, cum odóre suavitátis ascéndat. Amen.