Rorate Caeli

TRANSLATION - Rescriptum ex Audientia - From Yesterday’s Audience of Francis with Card. Roche regarding details of implementation of Traditionis Custodes


The Holy Father, at the Audience granted on Feb. 20 to the undersigned Cardinal Prefect of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, confirmed the following about the implementation of his Motu Proprio Traditionis custodes of July 16, 2021.

These are dispensations reserved in a special way to the Apostolic See (cf. C.I.C. can. 87 §1):

- the use of a parish church or the erection of a personal parish for the celebration of the Eucharist using the Missale Romanum of 1962 (cf. Traditionis custodes art. 3 §2);

- the granting of license to presbyters ordained after the publication of Motu proprio Traditionis custodes to celebrate using the Missale Romanum of 1962 (cf. Traditionis custodes art. 4).

As stipulated in Article 7 of Motu proprio Traditionis custodes, the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments exercises the authority of the Holy See in the above-mentioned cases, supervising the observance of the provisions.

Should a diocesan bishop grant dispensations in the two cases mentioned above, he is obliged to inform the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, which will evaluate the individual cases.

Moreover, the Holy Father, confirms - having already expressed his assent in the audience of November 18, 2021 - what was established in the Responsa ad dubia with the attached Explanatory Notes of December 4, 2021.

The Holy Father also ordered that this Rescript be published in L'Osservatore Romano and subsequently in the official commentary of the Acta Apostolicae Sedis.

From the Vatican, February 20, 2023

Arthur Card. Roche



[Our comment? The whole logic of Traditionis custodes is that the bishops are supposedly the “guardians of Tradition,” and, therefore, of all things related to the Sacred Liturgy. Except when they deviate from the current Vatican radical liberal ideology, in which case they have no rights. It’s a clown document, from a clown cardinal, in a clown pontificate. Nothing serious, it’s all a sick joke -- and one day it will come to an end. | Our struggle is for eternity, and for centuries and generations to come.]


[Original Italian text:]

Il Santo Padre, nell’Udienza concessa il 20 febbraio u.s. al sottoscritto Cardinale Prefetto del Dicastero per il Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti, ha confermato quanto segue circa l’implementazione del Suo Motu Proprio Traditionis custodes del 16 luglio 2021.

Sono dispense riservate in modo speciale alla Sede Apostolica (cfr. C.I.C. can. 87 §1):

l’uso di una chiesa parrocchiale o l’erezione di una parrocchia personale per la celebrazione eucaristica usando il Missale Romanumdel 1962 (cfr. Traditionis custodes art. 3 §2);

la concessione della licenza ai presbiteri ordinati dopo la pubblicazione del Motu proprio Traditionis custodes di celebrare con il Missale Romanum del 1962 (cfr. Traditionis custodes art. 4).

Come stabilito dall’art. 7 del Motu proprio Traditionis custodes, il Dicastero per il Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti esercita nei casi sopra menzionati l’autorità della Santa Sede, vigilando sull’osservanza di quanto disposto.

Qualora un Vescovo diocesano avesse concesso dispense nelle due fattispecie sopra menzionate è obbligato ad informare il Dicastero per il Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti che valuterà i singoli casi.

Inoltre, il Santo Padre, conferma – avendo già manifestato il suo assenso nell’udienza del 18 novembre 2021 – quanto stabilito nei Responsa ad dubia con le annesse Note esplicative del 4 dicembre 2021.

Il Santo Padre ha altresì ordinato che il presente Rescritto sia pubblicato su L’Osservatore Romano e, successivamente, nel commentario ufficiale degli Acta Apostolicae Sedis.

Dal Vaticano, 20 febbraio 2023

Arthur Card. Roche
