Rorate Caeli

A pattern on TLM indults being denied and approved

There is an interesting pattern beginning to develop.

Two U.S. dioceses (Baltimore and Richmond) that have the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter in them, with personal parishes, will no longer have any diocesan parish traditional Latin Masses offered, despite the noble attempt by the local bishops for renewals of existing two-year parish indults. In the Archdiocese of Baltimore and Diocese of Richmond, no diocesan clergy at diocesan parishes may licitly offer TLMs.

On the other hand, two U.S. dioceses (San Antonio and Arlington, Virginia) that do NOT have the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter, or any other TLM personal parishes, have been granted two-year indult renewals, this week, for their existing diocesan parish TLMs offered by diocesan priests.

Maybe the pleas to Pope Francis and the Vatican on the TLM have been heard. Maybe those who have been working to suppress TLMs (Roche and Viola) are being told to ease up, at least slightly. Maybe prayers are working. Maybe it's all a coincidence. Who knows.

But the pattern is worth keeping an eye on.