Rorate Caeli

Francis Names Most Pro-Abortion and Pro-Drugs Lawyer in Latin America to Vatican Position

He’s the former Justice of the Argentine Supreme Court, Eugenio Zaffaroni — certainly the most influential liberal lawyers and legal thinkers in Latin America in the past few decades. 

One can certainly attribute to Zaffaroni both the legal basis for the abortion legalization wave that swept through the region in the post-Francis years, and the anti-law and order and pro-drug legalization message that placed criminals on the street and led the region to its current historic records of criminal activity and murder. And the greatest legal force for homosexual “marriage” in the region.

So, a lawyer with blood in his hands — blood, and serious accusations that his apartments in Buenos Aires were used for… unusual paid sexual activities by prostitutes. And how was he rewarded by Francis?

With a Vatican position, of course. As mentioned in the Vatican Bollettino yesterday, Francis created a whole pontifical organism just for him, the most liberal lawyer in Latin America:

I also approve the creation of the Instituto para la investigación y promoción de los Derechos Sociales “Fray Bartolomé de las Casas” (“Fray Bartolomé de las Casas” Institute for Research and Promotion of Social Rights) ... I appoint Professors Raúl Eugenio Zaffaroni, Alberto Filippi and Marcelo Suárez Orozco as the Founding Academic Board of the aforementioned Institute for the period 2023-2028.