"Missae pro Missa" Update: Help Reach 1 Million Masses for the TLM!
Dozens of billboards go up around Rome in defense of the TLM
2023 National Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage
Members of the group, which included three priests, on the steps of Saint Matthews Cathedral at the conclusion of the walk today. The event may become biannual with another pilgrimage potentially scheduled for September this year. (Photo credit Juventutem DC.)
Fontgombault Sermon for the Annunciation: Mary's "Yes" is the Greatest Moment in Human History
and Simple Profession of Br. Jean-François Charlebois and of Br. Hernane Pereira
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
My dearly beloved Sons,
and most especially you, who are now going to make your religious vows,
Monks like to pronounce theirs vows and promises underMary’s eyes. They do that in the hope that these eyes will never turn away from their everyday life, and they can do it with a firm trust. How could a mother, the Mother par excellence, turn away from those she has received as children, for we are truly her children?
What then is this unique motherhood?
St. Irenaeus wrote in his Treatise against Heresies:
Fr. Cyril Gordien: "The hardest thing is to suffer at the hands of the Church"
"Russophilia", the West and anti-Romanism - by Roberto de Mattei
In 2004, in a dialogue with Senate President Marcello Pera, then-Cardinal Ratzinger identified as a cultural evil of our time the self-hatred of the West (in Without Roots; Europe, Relativism, Christianity, Islam, Mondadori, Milan 2004).
One expression of this hatred of the West is "Russophilia," an intellectual tendency that became an international organization on March 14, 2023, with the presentation in Moscow of the "International Movement of Russophiles." Among the 120 representatives from 46 countries, chronicles report the presence of an Italian, Princess Vicky (Vittoria) Alliata di Villafranca, known for her keen interest in the Islamic world. Another well-known figure, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, addressed a warm message to the conference participants, stating, among other things, that "the Russian Federation undeniably stands as the last bastion of civilization against barbarism." The role of the Russian Federation "will be decisive" "in an 'Antiglobalist' Alliance that returns to citizens the power that has been taken from them, and to nations the sovereignty eroded and ceded to the Davos lobby."
Like any error, Russophilia starts from a truth: the decadence of the West, which has turned its back on its history and values. The Magisterium of the Catholic Church has pointed out as responsible for this decay an enemy that, "in recent centuries has attempted to work the intellectual, moral, social disintegration of the unity of the mysterious organism of Christ" (Pius XII, Address of Oct. 12, 1952 to the men of Catholic Action). ...
REBUILDING MONTECASSINO: How the Reform of the Eucharistic Fast Preceded the Church’s current Dramatic Period
Rebuilding Montecassino
From the search for God to the search for self in the observance of the Eucharistic fast
[Rorate’s special translation in honor of the Feast of Saint Benedict.]
The witnesses and documentary evidence that have come down to us state that Jesus, shortly before his death, planned an evening meal, in the course of which he took bread and wine, blessed them, and distributed them to those who were present.
This is the incontestable fact, as incontestable as it is that those who partook of the meal had not fasted beforehand, nor are there any indications that they should have fasted in any way because that supper was carefully planned in every detail (Mt. 26:17-19; Mk. 14 13-16; Lk. 22:8-13), and there is no sign that fasting was a component of it.
Very soon, however, Christians prepared for receiving the Eucharist by a fast, which in the Latin Church consisted of abstaining from food and water from midnight onward.
To understand the whys and the wherefores of the development of this particular observance is to tell a fascinating story.
In 1953, in an unprecedented decision, this practice was stifled and eradicated. It is a painful, but no less fascinating story.
I. Fasting: A mirror to the soul
Our society considers the overall wellbeing it has attained as a normal, certain and further improvable state of affairs. In the eyes of those who do not belong to this society, or are excluded from it, it emanates a glow so desirable that they risk their lives in order to obtain it.
Dr. Kwasniewski’s South Carolina 2023 Lecture Tour, April 20-22, 2023
Dear friends and readers, I will be in South Carolina next month giving three lectures: Charleston on April 20th, Columbia on April 21st, and Greer on April 22nd. All the details are in the poster. Hope to meet you if you're in the area!
"Ten years of Pope Francis: lights, shadows and glooms": Miguel Angel Quintana Paz
Ten Years of Francis: Destruction without Reconstruction in a Vatican that feels like North Korea -- by Aldo Maria Valli
On the Ten Years of Francis (2013 - 2023)
By Aldo Maria Valli
To comment on the ten years of Francis' pontificate, the words written by Demos (also known as the late Cardinal Pell) in the memorandum he wanted to distribute to all the cardinals a year ago would suffice: "A disaster in more ways than one, a catastrophe."
Bergoglio has succeeded in the fine feat, that is possible only for certain particularly gifted individuals, of destroying without rebuilding. He was elected to bring fresh air. After ten years, the air is unbreathable. And the papolatry raging these days, on the occasion of the anniversary, makes it even more noxious.
There is no Beauty without the Sacred
by Gennaro Malgieri*
March 12, 2023

“Beauty is a sort
of visible harmony that gently pierces the human heart”, wrote Ugo Foscolo.
But how might we define Beauty today?
Second National Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage Coming Up on March 25!
On March 25, the Arlington Latin Mass Society will be holding the Second National Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage. We will process from St. Thomas More Cathedral in Arlington, VA to St. Matthew the Apostle Cathedral in Washington, D.C.-- about a two hour walk-- to show our support for the Traditional Latin Mass and bear witness to the devotion it inspires. We will carry beautiful Catholic banners, flags, and processional crosses, pray the Rosary, sing Marian hymns, and spread the truth of Christ through the streets of Arlington, VA and Washington, D.C.
Newly Typeset Large Latin Missal for Pre-55 Holy Week Now Available
MARCH 13, 2013 - MARCH 13, 2023: TEN YEARS OF "HORROR"
"So he came with the king's mandate, bringing nothing worthy of the high priesthood, but having the fury of a cruel tyrant, and the rage of a savage beast."
The Horror!
Of all the unthinkable candidates, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is perhaps the worst. Not because he openly professes doctrines against the faith and morals, but because, judging from his work as Archbishop of Buenos Aires, faith and morals seem to have been irrelevant to him.
German "Church" Officially Approves Same-Sex "Blessings" - a Moment of Schism and Collapse of the Universal Church
"Et in unam, sanctam, catholicam et apostolicam Ecclesiam..." -- we proclaim our belief in the marks of the Church every Sunday in the Creed.
Minutes ago, the parliamentary assembly of German bishops and radical lay activists gathered under the name of "Synodal Way" officially approved "same-sex blessings". As reported by Jonathan Liedl:
Vote to adopt text on “blessings for couples who love each other” passes pic.twitter.com/Phh71660T8
— Jonathan Liedl (@JLLiedl) March 10, 2023
Once again, German schismatics and apostates bring the Church to a moment of collapse and crisis. WE ARE NOT IN COMMUNION WITH THIS nonsense, whatever this is. May God send fire from heaven to burn to the ground the den of iniquity that is the German "Church". This mess and this destruction of the Church are exclusively the work of Francis and his minions.
Serious Catholics Refuse to Donate to Francis’ Vatikenstein — now it’s going broke.
"Is it really time for hiding?" Why priests should openly refuse to stop offering the Latin Mass
"L'Eglise, c'est moi!" - Reflection by Francis Patruno
"Mexican bishops will ask Pope to include Mayan rites in Catholic Masses": Zaire was just the start...
Report from a Rome in Deep Crisis: "Terror, Disgust, Espionage: Everybody Hates Francis."
Beautiful new edition of Dom Benedict Baur’s great TLM commentary “Light of the World”
"We are in front of a Kafkaesque paradox": Canonical remarks on the Rescriptum of February 21
If, formally, the Rescriptum ex Audientia Ss.mi of February 21, 2023 -- an administrative act by which a department head asks for and obtains (rescriptum: "written twice") something from the Supreme Pontiff (Sanctissimi) at the end of an audience (ex Audientia) -- aims to "implement" the motu proprio Traditionis custodes of July 16, 2021, from a practical point of view, it actually alters it in its substantial structure.
The Rescript, in fact, subverts the basis on which Traditionis custodes itself is founded, whose first words, an echo of Lumen gentium No. 23 (the Second Vatican Council's dogmatic constitution on the Church) are addressed to the bishops: "Custodians of tradition," begins the preamble of Pope Francis' motu proprio amending Benedict XVI's motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, "the bishops, in communion with the Bishop of Rome, constitute the visible principle and foundation of unity in their particular Churches." But if Traditionis custodes had pointed to the diocesan bishops for a regulation of the use of liturgical forms prior to the post-conciliar reforms, the Rescript of last Feb. 21 overturns that principle by reserving to the Holy See (and thus to the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments) the regulation of an entire matter which, however, would itself have been left to the discretion of individual local Ordinaries by the same measure to which the Rescript says it wants to give "implementation."