Pining for the Latin Mass: Reflecting on major changes to the Catholic liturgy, 50 years laterBy KENNETH J. WOLFENOV 30, 2019 | 5:00 AM
Fifty years ago this weekend, the Catholic Church debuted a new version of Mass following reforms made by the 1960s’ Second Vatican Council. From the use of vernacular language instead of Latin, to the priest facing the people instead of the tabernacle, the changes became mandatory at all parishes on the First Sunday of Advent 1969.
NY Daily News Op-Ed -Pining for the Latin Mass: Reflecting on major changes to the Catholic liturgy, 50 years later
By our own contributor Kenneth Wolfe:
On the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Novus Ordo: Dr. Kwasniewski’s Lecture “Beyond ‘Smells and Bells’: Why We Need the Objective Content of the Usus Antiquior”
In his Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum (April 3, 1969), Pope Paul VI specified that the Novus Ordo Missae would go into effect on the First Sunday of Advent that year — November 30, exactly fifty years ago. In my recent Minneapolis lecture, written with an eye to this important anniversary, I argue that the Novus Ordo Missae constitutes a rupture with fundamental elements of all liturgies of apostolic derivation, and that, as a consequence, it violates the Church’s solemn obligation to receive, cherish, guard, and pass on the fruits of liturgical development. Since this development is, in fact, a major way in which the Holy Spirit leads the Church “into the fullness of truth” over the ages, as Christ promised, so great a “sin against the Holy Spirit” cannot fail to have enormous negative consequences, as indeed the past five decades have verified. Nor is it possible to bridge the abyss between old and new by applying cosmetics or the drapery of elegant clothing, because the problem is on the order of a genetic mutation, or damage to internal organs. The profound and permanent solution is to maintain continuity with the living liturgical tradition found in the usus antiquior.
The full text of the lecture, with notes, is given below; the recording of the talk may be found either on YouTube or at SoundCloud.
The full text of the lecture, with notes, is given below; the recording of the talk may be found either on YouTube or at SoundCloud.
Beyond “Smells and Bells”: Why We Need the Objective Content of the Usus Antiquior
Peter A. Kwasniewski
Minneapolis, Minnesota
November 13, 2019
Novus Ordo,
Paul VI,
Peter Kwasniewski,
Pius XII,
Roman Rite,
usus antiquior
Vatican Publishing House releases Ordo for the Traditional Missal - 2020
The Ordo divini offici recitandi sacrique peragendi for the year 2020 (Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite), prepared by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has been published by the Libreria Editrice Vaticana.
This Ordo, composed entirely in Latin, includes, as all documents of this type, the indication of the Divine Office to be chanted or recited and of the Mass to be celebrated on each day of the year.
This Ordo starts on the First Sunday of Advent 2019.* The calendar of the feasts of the Temporal and of the Sanctoral rigorously follows the one in use in 1962.
[Image: Messa in latino blog]
De Mattei: Our Dead: a legion of souls sustaining us in the battle
Roberto de Mattei
Corrispondenza Romana
November 27, 2019
As the years go by, the number of those we have known and who have left
this earthly life before us increases. What will their eternal destiny be? Only
God knows the ultimate destiny of souls, but it is sure that a great number of
those who died in a state of grace suffer the pains of Purgatory, in
anticipation of the definitive glory of Heaven. These souls are part of the Church Suffering which,
together with the Church Militant and Triumphant, form the one Church of
Christ. Indeed, as St. Augustine says, “Tota
enim in Christo Ecclesia unum corpus est” (Enarr. In Ps, 148, PL, 51,
423): “the entire Church forms one body in Christ”.
The Mystical Body of Christ is the foundation of the Communion of Saints
comprised of three churches: The Militant, The Suffering and The Triumphant,
formed respectively by those fighting on earth, those being purified in Purgatory
and those triumphant in Heaven. This Civitas
Dei battles against the civitas
diabuli, which has no purgatory, but is formed only of the damned and those
militant on earth in the armies of Satan
against the armies of Christ.
Chilean Conference of Bishops Sides with Marxist Protesters
The situation in Chile is very dramatic and, once again, the Church is on the wrong side, as this article from The New American indicates.
Chile's Conference of Bishops have echoed the calls of protesters for a new Chilean constitution as protesters ransack, loot, burn, and desecrate Catholic churches throughout the country.
This past month Chileans have seen their country ravaged by a small minority of revolutionaries, supported by the media, United Nations, and foreign international powers. Their aim is to destroy the legal system of the country and establish a communist tyranny similar to that of Venezuela and Cuba.
The protesters have an apparent affinity for fire, as they have burned down subway stations; supermarkets; small town markets and shops; commercial malls; government offices, such as the civil register for births, marriages, divorces and deaths; and they have set a couple of female police officers on fire.
Even the Catholic Church has not been spared from these acts of arson. Protesters have ransacked churches, removing pews and other works of art only to burn them in a pile outside. They have even gone as far as setting fire to the once-beautiful Iglesia de la Vera Cruz (Church of the True Cross) in Santiago, where an actual splinter from the original cross on which Christ was crucified is venerated. Fortunately, the splinter was saved from the flames.
Miraculous Medal: Are You Wearing Yours? #RueduBac
November 27 - Day of the apparition of the Miraculous Medal to St. Catherine Labouré (Rue du Bac, Paris)— Rorate Caeli (@RorateCaeli) November 27, 2016
Along with the Brown Scapular, another significant item Catholics should wear is the Miraculous Medal. From the Catholic encyclopedia:
"The devotion commonly known as that of the Miraculous Medal owes its origin to Zoe Labouré, a member of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, known in religion as Sister Catherine [Note: She was subsequently canonized], to whom the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared three separate times in the year 1830, at the mother-house of the community at Paris. The first of these apparitions occurred 18 July, the second 27 November, and the third a short time later."
Op-ed: "Is the Married Permanent Diaconate a Trojan Horse to attack the sacred priesthood?"
Rev. Deacon Nick Donnelly
Rorate Contributor
The Pan-Amazonian synod has realised the fears of certain Fathers of the Second Vatican Council that the creation of the married permanent diaconate would undermine and eventually abolish the sacred Tradition of priestly celibacy in the Latin Church. The Final Document of the Amazonian synod proposes that permanent deacons are ordained priests:
“…we propose to establish criteria and dispositions on the part of the competent authority, in the framework of Lumen Gentium 26, to ordain as priests men who are apt for it and who are recognized by the community, who are fruitful permanent deacons and who receive an adequate formation for the priesthood, even if they have a legitimately constituted and stable family…With regard to this, some wished that the topic be addressed in a universal way.”(Final Document, 111.)
“…we propose to establish criteria and dispositions on the part of the competent authority, in the framework of Lumen Gentium 26, to ordain as priests men who are apt for it and who are recognized by the community, who are fruitful permanent deacons and who receive an adequate formation for the priesthood, even if they have a legitimately constituted and stable family…With regard to this, some wished that the topic be addressed in a universal way.”(Final Document, 111.)
Angelico Press Launches Catholic Traditionalist Classics with Fr Bryan Houghton’s Mitre and Crook
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Fr Bryan Houghton (1911-1992) |
It is with great joy that I share an important development in the world of publishing: the launch of a new series by Angelico Press, Catholic Traditionalist Classics, that will bring back into print — for the benefit especially of younger readers born after the apocalypse — many fine works from the early years of the traditional movement that have become difficult or impossible to acquire. The series is inaugurated, appropriately enough, with a towering classic: Fr. Bryan Houghton’s deliciously witty novel Mitre and Crook of 1979.
When the publisher asked me for an endorsement, I wrote (without any back-cover hyperbole) that I had read Mitre and Crook on a lark years ago and instantly fell in love. Bryan Houghton was the Robert Hugh Benson of the postconciliar crisis. He brilliantly portrays a bishop, Edmund Forester, who with equal parts cleverness and courage orchestrates a complete restoration of Catholic tradition in his backwater diocese. The novel is written in the form of letters from Bishop Forester to his presbyterate and to various allies and enemies, local and abroad; the epistolary narration is suspenseful and gripping. Along the way we are treated to a scorching portrait of the souls of reformists, unbelievably narrow in mind and oblivious to spiritual realities.
Event: Traditional Latin Mass Conferences This Weekend in Houston (November 23-24) [UPDATE]
For our readers in the greater Houston, Texas area: The schedule for the day-long liturgical conference this Saturday at Prince of Peace Catholic Community in Houston, Texas, has been modified. See below for more details.
The topic and schedule for Sunday's event at Regina Caeli remain the same.
The topic and schedule for Sunday's event at Regina Caeli remain the same.
The example of Madame Elisabeth of France: "Adorable Heart of Jesus, in recognition of Your infinite charity, I give you my heart."
Prayer of Madame Elisabeth of France at the Temple prison:
I do not know what will happen to me today, o my God. All I know is that nothing will happen to me but what You have foreseen from Eternity. That is sufficient, o my God, to keep me in peace. I adore Your infinite designs. I submit to them with all of my heart. I desire them all: I accept them all. I make the sacrifice to You of everything. I unite this sacrifice to that of your dear Son my Savior, begging You by His Sacred Heart and by His infinite merits for the patience in my troubles and the perfect submission which is due to You in all that You wish and permit. Amen.
Prayer of Madame Elisabeth of France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, sent to Madame de Raigecourt:
Adorable Heart of Jesus, in recognition of Your infinite charity, I give you my heart, and, with it, all that I have in this world, all that I am, all that I will do, all that I will suffer. But, finally, my God, I pray you, may this heart not be unworthy of you; make it like unto yours, surround it with your thorns, closing it to all wrong affections; establish Your Cross within it; may it feel its price, may it savor its delights; fill it with Your Divine flames.
Approved prayer to ask for the intercession of the Servant of God Elisabeth of France:
Date, celebrant announced for next D.C. basilica shrine pontifical Mass
What better way to celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary than a pontifical high Mass in the great upper church of the basilica shrine in Washington, DC?
This will be the fourth (2010, 2018, 2019, 2020) traditional Latin pontifical Mass since Summorum Pontificum in the largest church in North America.
Mark your calendar now, tell your family and friends, and plan your summer vacation around this one.
Reviving Religious Life in Britain – and Across the West (Guest Article by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP)
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Whitby Abbey |
Article by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP, first published in Dowry Magazine No43: For the benefit of our readers outside Great-Britain, the assessment and remedies offered in this article apply outside of Britain; indeed throughout our formerly Christian Western countries.
Better is one day in Thy courts above thousands. How lovely are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts! my soul longeth and fainteth for the courts of the Lord.’ This Introit (at the beginning of the Mass on the 14th Sunday after Pentecost) expresses the desire of our souls to spend our lives closer to God, actually to dwell in God’s house, as an anticipation of the blessed dwelling promised to us in God’s celestial courts if we die in His grace.
This is why some Catholics will come to church every day. They do well. Even outside of Holy Mass, they will enter a Catholic church daily and pray to God truly present there. Other Catholics want more. They want more than simply observing God’s commandments. They choose to embrace God’s counsels as well. They want to spend their entire lives in close proximity to where God dwells. They withdraw from the secular world and organise their lives together as religious communities. Their lives focus on prayer, religious study, penance and works of charity.
They want to give God every possible space in their hearts, in their days and nights. To that end, they renounce earthly possessions through the vow of poverty. They give up the goods of marriage and family bonds through the vow of chastity. Lastly, through the vow of obedience, they offer up to God their own will as a beautiful sacrifice to follow the will of God in all things through the legitimate will of their superiors.
Such is the religious state. It is a blessing for those called to it. But it is also a blessing for those who witness it. Why is it so?
The religious state is a blessing for all, because it sets a higher standard of perfection. It encourages all in the world to aspire to a closer union with God while on earth, so as to enjoy it forever in heaven. Since our human nature is fallen we constantly lean towards the easier options, to the peril of our souls. This soon leads us to venial sins and ultimately to mortal sins. On the contrary, the presence of religious men and women near us demonstrates to us that one can be blessedly fulfilled in poverty, chastity and obedience. Religious life manifests spiritual freedom on our doorstep. And we all crave spiritual freedom. Contemplative religious also pray for their fellow-Catholics in the world and welcome visitors in their retreat centres, providing much-needed havens of silence and prayer. Apostolic religious contribute actively to evangelisation as mobile and flexible missionaries who can be deployed at short notice to serve the needs of a given parish or diocese.
Contra Recentia Sacrilegia: Protest against Pope Francis's sacrilegious acts
Protest against Pope Francis’s sacrilegious
We the undersigned Catholic clergy and lay scholars protest against and
condemn the sacrilegious and superstitious acts committed by Pope Francis, the
Successor of Peter, in connection with the recent Amazon Synod held in Rome.
These sacrilegious acts are the following:
These sacrilegious acts are the following:
- He allowed this
worship to take place in the Vatican Gardens, thus desecrating the vicinity of
the graves of the martyrs and of the church of the Apostle Peter.
- On October 7,
the idol of Pachamama was placed in front of the main altar at St. Peter’s and
then carried in procession to the Synod Hall. Pope Francis said prayers in a
ceremony involving this image and then joined in this procession.
- When wooden
images of this pagan deity were removed from the church of Santa Maria in
Traspontina, where they had been sacrilegiously placed, and thrown into the
Tiber by Catholics outraged by this profanation of the church, Pope Francis, on
October 25, apologized for their removal and another wooden image of Pachamama
was returned to the church. Thus, a new
profanation was initiated.
- On October 27,
in the closing Mass for the synod, he accepted a bowl used in the idolatrous
worship of Pachamama and placed it on the altar.
Blessing of the First American Foundation of the Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus
At this time in the life of the Church, we can all use a strong dose of good news now and again.
Last week, on November 1, the bishop of La Crosse, Wisconsin, His Excellency William P. Callahan, came to Wausau to bless the new Convent of the Nativity of Our Lady, the first foundation in the New World of the Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus, the female branch of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. The convent is located just a few blocks from St. Mary’s Oratory, the church operated by the Institute in the diocese.
Present for the occasion were the Institute’s Prior General Msgr. Gilles Wach and the Provincial Superior of the USA, Canon Matthew Talarico, as well as the two canons assigned to the Oratory: Canon Aaron Huberfeld and Canon Heitor Matheus.
On the next morning, November 1, Canon Tallarico offered the first Mass in their chapel. Later that day there was a Solemn High Mass with choir and chamber orchestra at St. Mary’s Oratory for the feast, followed by a gala reception for the sisters and parishioners.
Many beautiful photos from these events may be found at St. Mary’s Facebook page or at their website; here we share a sample. Let us give thanks to God for all the great work being done by the Institute and ask His abundant blessings on this new foundation!
UPDATE: The Sisters Adorers need to raise funds for the clothing needs of their growing order in Europe: they have 8 new postulants and are expecting 10 more to arrive later this year. I’m sure many who rejoice in the news of this new foundation in America will be happy to assist the Sisters in this regard! Donations may be made directly to the Sisters (here).
Will “defrocked” priests now be able to remain in the Diocese and collaborate with it, as if nothing ever happened ?
By Luigi
Messa in Latino Blog
November 7, 2019
Pope Francis greets a defrocked Bergamo priest now married
On September 27, Aleteia published an article* entitled “When nuns and priests ‘hang up their robes’:
the reasons for some innovations to a ‘Rescript’”, announcing some new
instructions by the Holy See, regarding priests and religious who leave the
clerical state and are dispensed from their vows. The article is by Giovanni Marcotullio, unhappily known
for having justified the pagan rites of the Pachamama (see here).**
For the time being, this is
about a Pontifical Rescript ‘only’, mediated by the Congregation for the Clergy
for one single case, but if true, it would be really insane:
“[…] If in the
past the priest who left the ministry was not allowed even to continue being in
contact with his parish, it is now being asked that he assist in the carrying
out of “useful services” for the community. In particular, no. 5 of the
Rescript reads as follows: “The ecclesiastical Authority will endeavor to make
it possible for the dispensed cleric to carry out useful services for the
Christian community, by placing his God-given gifts and talents at its service.”
no.6 adds that “the dispensed cleric be welcomed by the ecclesial community in
which he resides, to continue his journey, faithful to the duties of his
baptismal vocation”. (no.6). Thus, the root of the previous reference to the
priest’s “exile” is done away with. It reads as follows: “the priest dispensed
from celibacy and even more so the priest who has married, must stay away from
the place or territory where his previous status is known” (no.5f). The obligation
prescribed by the previous Rescript of imposing a penance on the dispensed
priest is also totally done away with, as it presupposed that he had committed
a sin and violated his duties. Regarding
this the new Rescript established: “Some
act of charity or piety will be set for the person concerned”. Moreover,
if the priest asking for the dispensation wanted to marry (something common in
most of the cases), the previous Rescript prescribed that “the ordinary must
lend the greatest care whereby the celebration is conducted with discretion,
with no pomp or fanfare.” (no.4). That is to say, hiding the priest’s sacrament
of marriage from the community. [To show that] receiving such a sacrament were,
in this case and only this one, a disgrace, or worse still, a scandal to the
faithful. Now, instead, it says that the marriage be celebrated “respecting the
sensibility of the faithful of the place” (no.4).
"Gay marriage" celebrated by priest in Catholic church in Austria
This is the priest: Michael Kopp, of the diocese of Gurk, that covers the entire state of Carinthia, Austria.
He is responsible for the "Family pastoral office" of the diocese, and recently celebrated a "marriage" or "blessing" of a union between two women, in the church of Saint Margaret, in Wolfsberg, in his diocese.
Twenty-Eighth Annual Summer Symposium of the Roman Forum on Lake Garda
The annual Roman Forum on the shores of Lake Garda in Northern Italy is one of the most important institutions in Catholic traditionalism. The chairman, Dr. John Rao, has sent us the following information about this year's symposium. We urge our readers to consider attending the symposium and the lectures. We also urge our readers to consider giving a tax-deductible donation to support the attendance at the symposium of a speaker, a member of the clergy, a seminarian, or a student. Send all applications, deposit, payments, and donations for the Summer Symposium either through the PayPal link on the Roman Forum Website or directly to: Dr. John C. Rao, The Roman Forum, 11 Carmine Street, # 2C, New York, NY 10014.
Twenty-Eighth Annual Summer Symposium
Gardone Riviera, Italy (July 6th - July 17th, 2020; 11 nights)
The Traditionalist Movement: Its Origins, Ramifications, Divisions, & Enemies
Several generations emerging from traditionalist backgrounds have come to maturity since the end of the Council and the introduction of the Novus ordo missae. At the same time, a growing number of believers from the “mainstream” Catholic world have also rediscovered the importance of the traditional liturgy. But many of those from both groups are unaware of the roots of the Traditionalist Movement and the sacrifices of its original leaders and shock troops in their heroic struggles to defend the Faith. Even some of those who are active participants in the Movement often fail to perceive its immense ramifications in the realms of theology, philosophy, political, social, and cultural life, the nature of the debates that divide its component parts, and the character and extent of the opposition it faces: all of which hinders its efficacy in recapturing the full heritage of the Mystical Body of Christ. This year’s Summer Symposium will seek to fill that gap, examining the history and current state of the Traditionalist Movement globally.
Media attention on FSSP's U.S. growth
The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter recently posted a summary of its impressive growth around the United States.
This weekend a D.C.-based media outlet, the Washington Examiner, published a news article amplifying these statistics.
The successes of the FSSP and its ability to work well with bishops and dioceses begs the question: Why aren't more archbishops inviting the FSSP and other traditional societies of priests into their archdioceses? Washington, D.C. (where 29 of DC's 38 city parishes do not have a parochial vicar)? New York? Boston? Perhaps after reading this they may!
Traditional Catholic parishes grow even as US Catholicism declines
by Jeffrey Cimmino
Traditional Catholic parishes run by one society of priests are growing in the United States, defying the trend of decline in the broader American church over previous decades.
Over the past year, parishes run by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, a society of priests dedicated to celebrating the traditional Latin form of the Catholic liturgy, have reported large increases in Sunday Mass attendance. The traditional liturgy that draws attendees is the form of the Mass celebrated before the reforms instituted at the Second Vatican Council, a meeting of the church’s bishops in the 1960s.
In Los Angeles, the fraternity did not have their own church until 2018, but Mass attendance over the past year doubled from 250 per Sunday to 500. The parish’s pastor, Fr. James Fryar, commented for the fraternity’s website that, after his parish added a fourth Mass on Sunday, “another 200 people came.”
The Naples, Florida, parish has been around for less than two years, but close to 400 people attend every Sunday, an increase of 20% from 2018. The pastor, Fr. James Romanoski, told the Washington Examiner the parish has been “averaging a new household — sometimes a family, sometimes an individual — every week” for over a year.
Upcoming Events with Dom Alcuin Reid and Peter Kwasniewski in Houston, TX
Prince of Peace Catholic Community in Houston, Texas, is hosting Dom Alcuin Reid, OSB, and Dr. Peter Kwasniewski for a Liturgical Conference on Saturday, November 23. Dr. Kwasniewski will also be speaking on Sunday, November 24, at the FSSP parish Regina Caeli.
The schedule for Saturday’s event, “An Encounter with the Latin Mass: Exploring Tradition,” is as follows:
9 am – Dom Alcuin Reid, “Praying the Sacred Liturgy”
10:30 – Dom Alcuin Reid, “Treasures Old and New: Enriching Parish Liturgy Today” (with Q&A)
12 pm – Sung High Mass: Pope St. Clement I
1 pm – Lunch for participants
2 pm – Peter Kwasniewski, “Why the Return of the Latin Mass is Good News”
3 pm – Peter Kwasniewski, “What We Can Learn from Tradition about Active Participation” (with Q&A)
(4:45 – Break for dinner or parish Mass)
6 pm – Panel discussion with Dom Alcuin Reid and Peter Kwasniewski
7 pm – Blessing and Conclusion
The conference will take place at:
Prince of Peace Catholic Community
St Andrew Discipleship Center
19222 Tomball Pkwy
Houston, TX 77070
Alcuin Reid,
Amazon Synod,
Peter Kwasniewski,
BREAKING: I threw the pagan idols into the Tiber. It was a great success.
Exclusive for Corrispondenza Romana
November 4, 2019
Alexander Tschugguel tells in English why he threw the Pachamama statues into the Tiber.
Fontgombault Sermon for All Saints & All Souls: "Communion with God is not just a state. It burns with a desire that may become painful."
All Saints
(And Solemn Profession of Brother Philippe Couvreur)
Sermon of the Right Reverend Dom Jean Pateau
Abbot of Our Lady of Fontgombault
Fontgombault, November 1, 2019
Blessed. (Matt. 5)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
My dearly beloved Sons,
and most especially you, who are going to make your solemn vows of religion,
Great multitudes come to us on this morning, those from your family and friends, who have come to attend your solemn profession, those of the Saints and Blessed we celebrate today, those the Lord talks to, on the mountain which was then to become the Mount of Beatitudes.
The multitude of the Saints and Blessed is made up of the chosen of God, marked on their foreheads with the seal of His servants, “a great multitude, which no man could number”, and which, united with the angels, praises its Maker:
Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving, honour and power and strength, to our God, for ever and ever. (Ap 7:12)
Let us give thanks for the wealth and diversity of holiness the Lord has generated, and still keeps generating, “of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues” (Ap 7:9)
Tomorrow, the Church will invite us to pray for another multitude, those who have crossed the gates of death, but have not yet reached Paradise. From the place of purification where they abide, they beseech our help. Our personal prayer, united with the prayer of the universal Church, the offering of Masses, the visits that many of us will make of cemeteries, all of this helps them cross a waiting stage, which is all the more painful as the desire of God is in them present and potent. On this day, don’t let us forget those who have given us life, life of the body, but equally, life of the intelligence and soul: our parents, the members of our families, our teachers, our friends, our brothers. If they once begot us, it is in our power today to beget them to eternal life with our prayers. Don’t let us deprive them of this desirable and invaluable gift.
These two days of thanksgiving and prayer in a row also remind us of the concrete character that the crossing of the gates of death will someday have for us. In that hour, God will not disappoint us.
All Souls' Day and first week in November: Plenary indulgence reminder and the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society
This is our monthly reminder to please enroll Souls of the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society. We now have 96 saying monthly and weekly traditional Latin Masses for the Souls.
Also, please, we beg you, don't forget the poor Souls on All Souls Day tomorrow (Saturday). Besides getting Masses said for them, as we do here, the best way you can help them tomorrow is this: Plenary Indulgence for each day of the First Full Week in November.
But remember:
- * Make a sacramental confession within a week of All Souls Day
- * For a plenary indulgence be free from all attachment to sin, even venial sin (otherwise, the indulgence is partial, not plenary, “full”).
Priests: The Souls still need more of you saying Mass for them! Please email me to offer your services. There's nothing special involved -- all you need to do is offer a weekly or monthly TLM with the intention: "For the Souls enrolled in the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society."
How to enroll souls: please email me at and submit as follows: "Name, State, Country." If you want to enroll entire families, simply write in the email: "The Jones family, Ohio, USA". Individual names are preferred. Be greedy -- send in as many as you wish and forward this posting to friends as well.
How to enroll souls: please email me at and submit as follows: "Name, State, Country." If you want to enroll entire families, simply write in the email: "The Jones family, Ohio, USA". Individual names are preferred. Be greedy -- send in as many as you wish and forward this posting to friends as well.
Plenary Indulgence Reminders for the first full week in November (November 1st-8th) - Repost (Enchiridion Indulgentiarum)
Canon Alonso Lobo
Libera me, Domine (Resp. Off. Def.)
There are several plenary indulgences available for the first week in November, beginning today, November 1st, All Saints Day. They are the following:
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